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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

[:About Soul'd On Sound Promotions:]
Canberra based Soul'd On Sound Promotions focuses on bringing local, national and international hip hop acts to the nation's capital. We have proudly represented and supported the scene for many years and are now dedicated to enriching Australian Hip Hop's culture bringing live hip hop to the capital and supporting the cause nation wide.
S.O.S not only focuses on bringing shows to Canberra, but also connecting artists, promotors and fans throughout Australia. is also the biggest, exculsively Australian hip hop database avaialable to date.
S.O.S is committed to assisting up and comming artists and supporters by providing community forums to connect the Australian Hip Hop community, as well as running Youth Development Workshops around the country. We strive to provide an accessable nation wide network for everyone interested in Australian Hip Hop.
Well known for it's annual Rhyme Intervention festival, boasting over 25 acts from around the country who converge on the nations capital every year to raise funds for cancer research. S.O.S is focused on bringing high quality acts to to Canberra in an effort to expend the already booming local scene, as well as provide interstate artists and companies a medium to reach out to otherwise unaccessable markets.
Contact us to find out what we can do for you. is your one stop Aussie Hip Hop site showcasing everything from MC's, Crew's and DJ's to graffiti, clothing, radio, labels, resources, filmclips, breakdancing, magazines and much much more.. no other website has as big a collection of Aussie hip hop goodness in the one place.. over 300 sites listed and growing daily..
If you've enjoyed this site, found it slightly usefull or found your page amongst the hundreds of sites already listed... please return the favour by placing a link and/or banner on your site and pass the word around... the more exposure this site gets... the more exposure we all get.
Copy the code below.. Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C
then paste it where you want the banner to go.
due to myspace being shit and changing external links you will have to edit the code slightly.. the address line where it says "http://www.msplinks..." will need to be changed to ""

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

To add your site to the Sould On Sound directory, use one of the following methods;

1.) add this myspace as a friend and leave your link in the comments

2.) send me a message with a link to your website.

4.) visit and fill out the simple form in the "contact/add links" section.


My Blog

Website News and Updates

Whats happening at site last updated - 8/11/07 did another huge update about a month or two ago... revamped the whole site and pretty much doubled the content... also ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:20:00 GMT