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Bigfoot Discovery Project

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About Me

The Bigfoot Discovery Project (BDP) accepts the Patterson/Gimlin Film of Oct 20, 1967 (shown above) as THE type specimen for the Northwestern Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Our purpose is to add to the dialogue on the implications of the impending "discovery of bigfoot" by Western science and the general public, while offering hypotheses as to bigfoot's place in the biological and social order.

If the anthropologists are right, the only thing separating us from the forest giants is our culture. So let's revel in our humanness while acknowledging the beauty of the bigfoot's minimalistic, yet ecologically sound interactions with Mother Earth.

The BDP seeks to facilitate the discovery of bigfoot by sharing information, and attempting to "flesh out" the hairy bipeds’ dossier. We do this against a backdrop of local history, as this area was once home to many bigfoot, as were all the forests of the Pacific coast, and beyond. Since we opened our doors in 2004, we've received over 50 in person bigfoot encounter stories, more than half taking place right here in Santa Cruz County (and dating from 1870's to the present).

The Bigfoot Discovery Project's museum includes exhibits of local history, unidentified hairy bipeds, and folk music. It houses a research library of books, periodicals, and tapes on subjects ranging from Bigfoot to UFOs. We hope that a visit here will "edutain" you, and help to open your eyes and mind to things you may not have thought about before.

The Bigfoot Discovery Musuem is located in the San Lorenzo Valley in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California, along Hwy 9 in Felton. Admission is FREE! We're open Wednesday through Sunday from 1-6pm, Weekends 11-6. So stop in and see us!
Bigfoot Discovery Museum
5497 Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018

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View Bigfoot Discovery Day II photos in our PICS section...
photos courtesy of Tom Yamarone

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The video below is from Arthur C. Clarke's "Mysterious World"

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