kyle profile picture


My Girlfriend made me do this...

About Me

I like a good beer and good times, Got much love for the girlfreind, and the family. I am quite a bowler and near perfect poker player, I love the Steelers, and the Angels and will route for the Lakers from time to time. My little brothers went to war more than once protecting your ass so even if you don't believe in the war you should respect those who went.

My Interests

Explosives devices, Bowling, Football,the Girfreind, Friends and good times. . . .

I'd like to meet:

Joey Porter, Stephen Hawking, The Wright brothers,Ben Franklin, and of course Jesus Christ Himself. O and the guy that sings the Snickers Bars commercials.


Not much of a music guy . . . My freinds jammin old skewl greenday and hummin blues travler over a backyard campfire. My dogs burps, and Courtneys snoring. PandBTHUG!!


3 Ninjas!!!! Home Alone, T2, pULP fICTION, Sandlot,


Sports Center, Comedy Central, History Channel, Top Chef


The Count of Monte Cristo


My Dad and brothers