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Julias Urban

I am here for Friends

About Me

I skateboard, play the drums, and im 18 years old. I'm a proud represenative of the Player's Club: Rhode Island. If you know me, then you know how i am. My screen name is DonVitoInASpeedo. I have dog named Cyrus and hes german. My brother and I's band = Desertscapes


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My Interests

Music, playing the drums, skateboarding,watching movies,fire, slapping old people,being a dick



I dont really watch that much tv anymore, but these shows are good:
The office, Family guy, Chappelle's show, Curb your Enthusiasm, The daily show with Jon Stewart, The kids in the Hall, King of the Hill, Late night with Conan O'Brien, Medium, My name is Earl, Myth Busters, The Simpsons The Sopranos, Bullshit!,


Hunter S. Thompson stuff, and whatever I pick up, if I skim through it and its good then I'll read it...yea

My Blog


Posted by Julias Urban on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I do this alot when im bored

"Get Out! (remix)" (It's 8:05. This is Phyllis in the office. The Cat is out on the patio, if it jumps one more time, your butts are in the street. I am sick and tired of your activities, your c...
Posted by Julias Urban on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Another Sublime Song

"Seed" Janie always said I was a mess Sorry bout that mess I made her bleed I'm planting my seed Still I knew it could take it if I opened up the rhythm I knew it could make it I hope her par...
Posted by Julias Urban on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Boss DJ

There's a steel train comin' through, I would take it if I could. And I would not lie to you because Sunday morning soon will come when things would be much easier to say upon the microphone like ...
Posted by Julias Urban on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Lost Art of Keeping A Secret

I've got a secret, I cannot say Blame all the movement to give it away You've got somethin, I understand Holding it tightly, caught on command Leap of faith, do you doubt? Cut you in, I just cut ...
Posted by Julias Urban on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST