The Best & Worst random questions by anonymous_artist
General Questions
Name: victoria
Location: singapore
Ethnicity: european asian
Sexual Preference: straight.. mostly.
Round One Random Questions
What nick names do you have: vic, wic, icky poos, cowpoke.
What was the last lie you told: crap, i don't remember. i tell loads though
Can you sing the national anthem: i can, actually.
Do you bite your nails: yes
Do you drive or take public transport: taxis, pretty much
Can you do a hand stand: nope
What do you want to be when you grow up: a grown up
Have you ever flashed a stranger: HAHA MANY TIMES
If you could .. Would you lick your own genitals: probably not. it's just strange. i'd lick yours though
Have you ever seen a ghost: kind of
Would you marry an alien if he/she asked: if he looked like josh duhamel maybe
Are you afraid of hieghts: sometimes
Would you kill someone who threaterned the life of your mother: if someone hurt my family i might
Do you fart in public: i try not to
Have you ever been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning: a long time ago
Do you own a cat: only princess kitty
What colour are your eyes: brown
Do you beleive in the God and the Devil: yes
Do you shave: yep
Would you steal if you were broke and starving: yep
How many times have you urinated in public: haha a couple of times
Could you fall in love with a stranger in one day: i think it's possible
Do you want to get married: one day
When was the last time you had oral sex: 3 weeks ago?
What was your favourite toy as a child: hungry hungry hippos
Do you gamble: nah
Are you addicted to anything: music and alcohol
Would you ever lie to the police: yeah probably
Are you a good speller: extraordinary
Ever experimented starring at the sun to find out if you will go blind: haha, i'm not jane
Worst memory about loosing your virginity: boat burns - haha
What phobias do you have: i despise small furry animals - hamsters, rabbits, etc
Can you love more than once: i think so
Is the cup half full or half empty: half full till i drink it
Do you pick your nose: who doesn't
Would you ever get your nipples pierced: nope. not attractive on a girl in my opinion
Can you use a calculator: yep
What is your drug of choice: alcohol
Do you dream of dying: sometimes
Has a sea gull ever shat on you: no thankfully
Where would you like to visit on a holiday: scotland, phuket, bali
What song is currently stuck in your head: chasing cars - snow patrol
Do you do anal sex: never had it
Do you beleive global warming is a problem: yeah
Who do you hate: i have a list
What was the last book you threw away: i hate throwing books away, hmm, can't remember
Are you a big spender: definitely when i have money in my pocket
Do you day dream and sometimes dream of being someone else: i day dream alot
What would you never wear: spandex
Have you ever been arrested and why: not yet anyway
What would you do with 500 million dollars: travel and drink shitloads of champagne
Where were your grand parents born: my grandpa was born in india i think.. shit.. i need a family tree
Who is your idol: my mum, at the risk of sounding totally cliche
Do you prefer Angalina Jolie or Jeneffer Aniston: jennifer aniston definitely
Do you ever see peas and corn in your poo: eww. no.
Do you feel sick at the sight of blood: nope
Have you ever been depressed: yes
Would you jump if I told you to: fuck you
What is your goal in life: to be somebody
Do you hide or do you seek: bit of both
What is the meaning of " Forever ": i don't think it exists
Have you ever cheated on a partner: yes
Have you ever beaten up someone when you were at school: no
Ever had a one night stand: yes
Would you ever get a tattoo on your head saying " Hello ": haha if i were drunk enough
What time is it now: 2.39am
Are you and introvert or extrovert: bit of both
What do your burps taste and smell like: burp
So you swim naked or clothed: naked of course
What is the most extreame thing you have done in life: there are a couple things
If I gave you $300 would you eat a fish eye: hell yes
Does penis size matter: not necessarily
Can you play an instrument: not yet
Can you touch your nose with your tongue: nope
Have you ever lost something a friend loaned you: yeah!
What are your thoughts on the death penalty: ... pros and cons..
Do you suck or swallow: depends
How often do you wash your under wear: well i change em every day
Would you let a homeless man sleep in your house if it was cold out side: maybe
What actor/actress pisses you off: claire danes
Can you write poetry: bad poetry
Are you a fast .. slow .. sloppy .. sensual or romantic kisser: i've been told sensual
Are you a racist: fucking munjens
Would you lie to save some one from being hurt: if it didn't really matter
Has genocide ever occurred in Australia: fucked if i know
Do you bite your partner when you have sex: sometimes
How often do you see the number 11: when its there
Can you wink: yeah
Would you ever pierce your genitals: nope
Can you speak more than one language: yeah
Did you ever swear at a teacher in school: yep
Can you ride a horse: i guess
Do you own a fire arm: no
Will you marry me: sure!!
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