®€þþ'N«♠┴eam G° Gettª♠»[§howTi profile picture

®€þþ'N«♠┴eam G° Gettª♠»[§howTi

She's Everything I'll Ever Want And Need

About Me

Flo Rida Feat. T-pain - Low....[Keep Doin Ya Thing Flo Rida]I AM
BUMBLEBEE Take the Transformers Quiz..
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Which Marvel Super Hero Are You?
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You scored as Cyclops

As the leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is mature, dedicated, and committed to his cause. A bit stuck-up and arrogant at times, he gets angry when people won't work for the good of the team.



The Thing




The Invisible Girl


The Punisher




Mr. Fantastic






The Hulk


The Human Torch





25% ..


My Interests

Soccer, Basketball, Football, Any kind of sport pretty much.

I'd like to meet:

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MyHotCommentsThis is How a Fat Kid Gets Down
MyHotComments"You think crashing thru the wall is cool? NO! using the door is cool! My dad isnt going to believe a talking bowl of punch came crashing Thru the wall." ---Dane Cook
MyHotCommentsEuropean Burnout vs. Iraqi Burnout
What place would you visit if money were no object?: cancun or the bahamas
What one person could you meet in the world – alive or dead?: the rock
If you could go back to a certain year in time, what year would you choose?: my senior year
What immorality do you think is overrated?: is that even a real question?
Worst habit?: stayin up late
One thing you could change about yourself?: nothin im happy with who i am
Best memory from childhood?: costa rica
It's the last day on earth, what do you do?: be with danielle
Death Penalty? For or against?: Pro
Guilty pleasure food?: i dont feel guilty after eating food
If you could have any job, what wuold it be?: real estate agent
Do you believe in heaven and hell?: yes
A & W or Barqs?: i hate root beer, dr.pepper wins
Weirdest thing ever eaten?: i dont eat weird stuff
What was your curfew growing up?: 1100
Do you think your parents were too strict growing up?: yea
How many friends do you have that you talk to at least once a year?: If you only talk to them once a year thats an acquaintence
Name your 5 movies your bring on an island with you: stomp the yard, the new guy, katt williams pimp chronicles, step up, die hard 4
Worst fashion in your closet?: im not into fashion
Best feeling?: when im with danielle
How many languages do you speak?: 3, english spanish and arabic
What's your family like?: they seriously dislike me
Do you read much?: some
What was the last compliment you received?: nice pic
Are you rude?: naw
Do you hold grudges?: one person
Do you smile a lot?: yea
Do you cry a lot?: nah
What is one thing that annoys you?: Ppl in lebanon talkin shit and not doin shit about it
What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?: love them for who they are and not what they are
Who is your oldest friend?: this is a survey about me not my friends
How long have you known them?: see still askin about my frienz
Do you like to Kiss?: yea
Are you a good Kisser?: ive been tol that before
Do you sleep naked?: naw
What do you wear to bed?: shorts and a shirt
Whats your wallpaper on your cellphone?: me and danielle makin out
Favorite alcoholic drink?: hypnotic
Favorite flower?: im not really into flowers
If you could buy 5 of the things on your wishlist,what would they be?: ps3, new car, hdtv, xbox360, dub deuce rims
An object you can't live without:: my 9mm, and my 16 theyre my lifeline here
Whats your favourite literary character?: im not into readin books
Whats your favorite food?: mexican
What is your favorite restaurant & where is it?: olive garden
Whats your favorite class in school?: ugh yea i graduated like 2 years ago?
Whos your favorite sports player?: corey dillon
What's your favorite commercial?: the superbowl commercials
What's your favorite store?: the buckle
What name brand do you wear the most?: i'll rock anything
What's the most expensive thing you own?: my laptop
How many handbags do you own?: i dont
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: 2
What shoes did you wear today?: combat boots
Your first crush?: hmmmm i've slept since then
Are you a member of the mile high club?: is this a trick question?
Could you live without sex?: prolly not
Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf?: i hate pretenders
Did you ever tell someone you loved them and didn't really mean it?: i think idk
What’s the longest you’ve ever been single?: prolly about a year and a half
What has been the longest that you went with out sex?: man this is goin to be a long year...
Age you lost your virginity?: 17
Was it good?: uh no
How old was the person you lost your virginity to?:: 18
How long was your longest relationship?: well i cant answer that question jus yet
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?: lost all contact with them the next day
Do you stay friends with your ex's?: no thaz bad juju
Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?: no
What would you say if an ex said: it doesnt matter what you think!
Do you have more male friends or female?: male
What are 3 of the first things you notice about the opposite sex:?: eyes, teeth and personality
This or that:
What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?: housekeeper
Would you rather be rich or famous?: neither
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: no
Is the glass half empty or half full?: half full, half empty when the chips are down
Rock, paper, or scissors?: rock
Are you a night owl or early to bed person?: night owl
Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
Hot or cold?: how bout warm?
Wine or beer?: beer
Resturant or fast food?: resturant
Pj's or birthday suit?: dent you ask me what i wore to bed earlier?
Lace or satin?: satin
Strawberries n cream or leather n lace?: strawberries and cream
Tied up or tie them up?: both
Country or city?: city
Ocean or pool?: have you ever swam in the ocean? its nasty
Hug or kiss?: both
Conservative or wild party animal ?: a lil bit of both depends what kind of mood im in
Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn ?: buttered and salted
Chocolate or Flowers ?: chocolate
Spring or fall?: spring
Pancakes or french toast?: french toast mos def
Have you ever:
Have you ever made out with just a friend?: yea
Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?: hell no
Have you ever broke someone's heart?: yup
Have you ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: nope
Have you ever flown in a plane?: plenty o times
Have you ever been to a casino?: yup
Been to Canada?: theres nothin in canada
Been to Mexico?: yup
Been to the other side of the world?: currently there
Been to jail?: ...
Have you ever fired a gun?: lets see...9mm,m16,m249,m240b,.50cal,mark 19,shotgun,m203,does taser count?,AT4
Have you ever hitchhiked?: no
Ever done: ever done what? i cant read minds
Have you ever belonged to a gang?: no
Ever picked up a hitch hiker?: yes
Have you ever ridden a horse?: yes
Have you ever fed a cow?: yes
Have you ever done graffiti?: yes, graffiti bridge check it out im up there
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?: numerous times
Have you ever climbed up a tree?: yup
Ever had surgery?: yup
Had sex with 2 different people in the same day?: no
Speak your mind about anything?: i always gotta have my two cents put in
Ever worn PJs to school/work?: yea
Touched a snake?: yes
Caught a fish, & ate it?: i hate fishing
Broken a bone?: im still on 0 broken bones
Been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: oddly enough yes
Finish the sentence:
My ex...: prolly hates me
When I wake up in the morning...: is another day closer to goin home
Tomorrow...: will never come soon enough
I have low tolerance..: for ppl who act hard
Parties are...: fun when youre chillin with the right ppl
Life is...: good
My past is…: good, i regret some things
Do you read the newspaper?: yup
Do you think tattoos are cool?: i have one
Do you like being on time?: i like to procrastinate
Do you collect anything?: army coins that i earn
For girls* Does size below matter?:
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/ev: umm over twenty shots of mixed drinks and 7 beers i think
Would you try to take over the world?: what? no thats jus a dumb question
How is the single life for you?: iz not the same when youre in love with someone you cant have
Who’s the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone?: danielle
The last place you went to on a plane?: iraq
Do you cry at weddings?: no i get drunk at the open bar
Are you nice to everyone no matter what their age, race or gender?: yea, quit hatin on ppl!
Do you go hunting (deer, duck, etc.)?: for Hajji's
Do you know the lyrics to more than 50 songs?: yea
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: i used to be
How many pillows do you sleep with?: one
How many times have you been dumped?: plenty
How many times have you dumped someone?: plenty
What country in the entire world would you most like to visit?: ive already been there(Germany) now me and carter are workin on Tokyo
What did the last text message you received say?: goodnight, i love you
Do you own an iPod?: workin on it
When did you last attend a party?: couldnt tell you
When is the next one?: as soon as i get home for good
Do you have ADD?: no
Can you sing the National Anthem all the way through?: Jose can you see?
What is the last movie you saw?: the protector
How many times are your ears pierced?:: once in both ears
Would you kill someone if you had to?: im trained to do so
Who's the one person you call when life just sucks that day?: im really not comfortable talkin to anyone cept for one person, you know who you are
What the most romantic night you've ever had?: july 21st before i left
Do you return calls when you say you will?: i try
Do you take advice when it's given?: sometimes
Do you have anything on your mind right now?: yea...
If you could be doing anything right now what would it be?: be at home with her
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"Do it how you do it gon and walk it out"


Smooth Criminal
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I only read articles in newspapers and magazines


Let's Thank them for what they believed in and fought for, and the price they paid.
MyHotCommentsEveryone Who is Serving over here with me, watchin over me as i watch over ya'll, keepin everybody safe. Carter, Arnold, Beard, Pulliam you guys are my boys, Lets get this done and go home! i love ya'll.
MyHotCommentsHe Achieved His Dreams When Noone Else Believed in Him!