BIGGIE. who’s born and given name is Anthony Siasaga, is a young man who realised his talent in the field of music but didnt take it seriously till later in his schooling stage. At first, wanted to purse his life slash future in playing Rugby which he was in a good position and state. i.e Was playing representative rugby league for Parramatta Eels till more purposely commitments overcame his dream in footy. As the saying goes, "All good things come to an end" but also, "Good things take time." In saying this, Biggie reconsidered and took it day by day and learnt different aspects and areas within music. A person who attends church at a high note, "As long you have God with you by your side, you know you’ll be alright. Faith in him is the key", and Biggie is very interacted with his culture, SAMOAN. Getting confident in performingwise and composing music was a inhance step. Now slowly entering the industry, excites him with the new challenges. Performed at wedding’s, social functions, clubs and much more to look upon. Meeting new faces within the field is an exstastic experience. But most honourable favour to Best mate Vee who’s open Biggie’s eye’s inrelation to music and showed how to be with music and see it not just hear it. Been alongside Biggie from the start and hoping it’ll remain till the end. Big Shout out to M.C Tuppz! This is a start for Biggie, a new start which will be conveying right till the day. "Evryone starts somewhere." Lookout for upcoming talent, a young man who doesnt replicate towards otherer artist’s genre but try’s to aloud his own. .BIGGIE.