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Ms. Dawn

Be a friend...not just another somebody in another person's life. Love with all your heart...not jus

About Me

I am the momma. I try not to judge, I try to understand, I teach, I love them all (no matter what faults they have and how nuts they drive me), I listen...I see them for who they really are. They are more than somebody's teen...they are people...trying to figure out life and not sure where to start, when to stand up for themselves, or at times...where to turn when things are so confusing and they feel like there is no way out. I can not fix it all, I can not be anymore than me and if that is what they need at the time...I am all theirs...with open arms, an open mind, and an open heart. I am a nurse, I love my job and what GOD has allowed me to be. But most of all...I love being "Arvs's" and "Hoss's" momma. They are my world! Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

I am spontaneous and up for just about anything at any given time. But I have an example to set to all the teens at the house sooo I also don't get too carried away and half to explain MYSELF

I'd like to meet:

No ONE person. I like people in general. I like to meet everybody...even when they are "cranky, hateful, or even jealous" Those people help me to be a better person. I love to laugh and smiling. So...if we meet...please keep me smiling and laughing.


Everything except Blues and Jazz or that tear in my beer country. If it is out....I have the CD. Ask the girls. Music is how I get away from reality and relax. Music Video Codes By Music


All romantic ones. You know...the ones where the girl gets the boy, the tears that go along with it, and the perfect ones to crawl up on the couch with a blanket, and a box of tissues. I didn't say I was a pretty site after watching it...but that is my movie time.


Grey's Anatomy! I don't have much time for TV but every Thursday night I am right there. If I can't can bet it is all about TiVo! Can't do reality shows. I see people make fools of themselves everyday. Why do I want to sit and watch it more?


Right now it is allllll about the kidneys and critical care! But when I get a break I like Nicholas Sparks. I have them all and there are three left of them all for me to read...just finding the time is hard.


Alice May Myrick Lopez...if you could have ever met her...she was different! We joke about the "special cheese" in the fridge, but she was her own person. She was independent, strong in body and spirit, confident in herself, had a big heart, gave when she could, and "took it" even when she knew it was gonna hurt. And SMART! She was soooo full of knowledge and could teach you just about anything. When grandpa went into the nursing home, she never gave up. The alzheimers got the better of him and she tried everything she could do to keep him home and care for him. But when it became physically and mentally impossible, and her safety was becoming an issue, she made that tough decision. But she still didn't give up...every day...there she was...still by his side caring for him with the help of the nurses and staff at the "home." She even died first and made everything ready for Alex when his time came 6 months after hers.Alice May Lopez momma! She gave me my "ass whoopins" when I needed them, put up with my "Hell Raising", and when I hit bottom and had to pick myself up (more than once I might add)...there she was. With her own issues in life, and her own goals...she was there and I love her to death. She is my momma and my best friend!My dad...I am his girl, and don't need to say more! He is my hero, my strength, my admiration, my other best friend! He and mom are a duo and they have given me the best advice, and guidance to be what and who I am today. And I love who I am and the strengths they have given me the confidence to have.