robin profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i play alot of sports, but of the field, im kinda a lazy bum, an i cant be bothered to write any more ryt now. but wait, a quote, "lifes a bitch, but what if you cant deal with it???" make sure that you are better than the shit that gets dropped on you
Created by BabyBoi
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My Interests

having fun, football, beach, meeting up with people, music, clothes and gaming

I'd like to meet:

ppl that keep it interesting


well, i listen to all sorts of techno, and rock. oh and a bit of jaz if i feel like it.
here, i got a playlist of some music for your entertainment, found this from a new myspace friend.


hm, more action or humor films: 40 year old vergin, saw, fight culb, donnie darko, blade, and some clasic action. oh and in addition id like to add only the greatest movie and a must movie of the year, namely the 300


illuminati(angels and demons), eragon, well, mostly fantasy shit letting my emagination drift off.


hm... nope, cant think of one. maybe urs, he seriously has a grip on life. but then that would be more of a looking up to him. nah, got no heroes

My Blog

hillarious Q&As, sorry had to post this one up, its good

If you need a laugh, try reading through these children's science exam answers. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------Q: Name the four seasons. A: Sa...
Posted by robin on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:17:00 PST

message from army+++

alright, i just got word from the army, and they are finaly calling me in. ill be heading to the flight squad and they are gonna take me in on july 1. im just gonna be doing my 9 months i think and th...
Posted by robin on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:16:00 PST

good and bad

alright, the army has sent a letter to my house in germany, basicaly im not alowed outside the country for more than 3 months if i have residence there (i got tested for the army and im fit enough for...
Posted by robin on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:25:00 PST

designers block update

alright, if you read my previous blogs, you might have seen i had a design block(if the blog is still up there read it first). so on that subject, the block is over, i just went on line to post up tha...
Posted by robin on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:36:00 PST


peoples, im getting bored here, sorry to those that are here in the philippines now, but i need more bumming out, and chilling whith ppl. those that are here, msg me. haha, oh and car car, umm.... thi...
Posted by robin on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST

gc leipzig

alright i got to say first what it was, emagin a gaming convention with 4 areas. 1 was for kids and the rest full of gamers, geeks, and ppl that love their consoles. packed full to the extent that you...
Posted by robin on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:29:00 PST

took a survay, the other one is out of date

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:robinBirthday:10/30/86Birthplace:manilaCurrent Location:Germany, HessenEye Color:BlueHair Color:BrownHeight:175 cm, bout 5 ft 8?Right Handed or Left Handed:righ...
Posted by robin on Sun, 14 May 2006 09:47:00 PST