Zeb Olsen in 2008?
"How I Went From Struggling To Massive Success In Creating An Income From Home, Almost Instantly Using Proven Techniques That Generate Endless Highly Targeted Leads That Contact Me!"
Hi i'm Zeb Olsen & thanks for stopping by MySpace here. I come from humble beginnings in a small town just outside Lansing in Michigan.
Let's start from the begining. I was taught by my broke parents, teachers, and everyone else around me to get good grades, get a college education so that I could get a "good-safe-secure-job." A JOB!!
A 40 + hour a week JOB!! A JOB that I get to work for the next 40 years!! The best hours of the day, the best (health) years of my life!! A JOB that I might get to retire on a 1/3 of my income with!! A JOB that I will most likely learn to HATE!!
A boss that tells me when I have to WAKE UP!! When I can take a BREAK!! When I can eat LUNCH!! When I can go HOME!! When I can have a DAY OFF!! And, decides much I am WORTH!!
So I took their advice!! I know, it sounds completely crazy!! But it was the only advice I had at the time. So, I went to Michigan State Unviversity, I graduated with a BS. I did a year long (un-paid) internship. Got a teaching certificate and roughly $40,000 in student loans and $20,000 in other debt!! Well in regards to everyone's advice, thanks, but...
No Thanks!!
I was on track for a totally "normal" and in our society "Typical" in-debt-up-to-my-ears life. Just like all the people who offered that advice. Then I learned a secret that changed my life forever...
"Only Take Advice From Those Who Have What You Want"
(Have a look at the photo slide show below of a few of my mentors)
The Turning Point...
I started " Working Harder On Myself Than I Did On My Job " as Jim Rohn encourages. I started reading like crazy, going to seminars, buying various training programs. I just totally immersed myself in personal development, business development and online marketing study courses. I became a student of the industry. And, the more I learned, and most importantly, the more I applied what I had learned the more results I started to have.
The results weren't increasing fast enough. I was doing great with the prospects I had, I just didn't have enough of them. And, lack of prospects = lack of results. The bottom line was, I could get as good as good can be, however if you don't have an endless stream of leads, your progress will stagnate and be limited.
It wasn't until...
I came across a simple, inexpensive course that transformed everything I had been learning into a whole new perspective. It was the " missing " piece of the puzzle that had been missing that finally put all my education and training to maximum use.
That course was none other than Mike Dillard's
Magnetic Sponsoring
This course taught me how to generate FREE leads and traffic by providing "real value" to others without expecting anything in return. At first, I didn't totally get it, and was like "okay." However, his results can't be argued with, so I just took his advice.
The Magnetic Sponsoring Method...
I started teaching and training everyone, everything I knew about online marketing, personal development, business strategy, the law of attraction and more. In fact, I became, and still am, the "main" trainer for two companies I am involved with currently that are growing like crazy (likely the result of my training:)
The more I gave, the more I received...
The more I had to offer, the more I increased my value to others the more attractive I became to others. People started contacting ME to sponsor and work with them, and the law of attraction just went to work.
And, most importantly so did the results. With all the training I had been through, and all the money I had invested, I was shocked that no one had actually put together a COMPLETE how-to guide on being successful online. And, I mean a true, a complete, a simple "hands-on-step-by-step-guide" to online marketing success.
I know a lot of programs out there "claim" that they are this, and they "claim" that they are that, but I have yet to come by one (and I have all the good ones, that I am aware of) that is a "simple- complete -hands on-step-by-step-all-in-one" guide that anyone, and I mean ANYONE- regardless of who they are, or how internet or technologically savvy they are, can use to create massive success online.
So I Decided...
I decided that I guess I would have to be the one. And, originally I kept this information "top secret" for my distributors eyes only! And, have only begun recently to "let the cat out of the bag" and have put together for you, a FREE 7 Day Boot Camp that Reveals:
The Best FREE Avenues of Driving Endless Traffic To Your Sites
Generating Endless Leads Online & Off
How to Properly Prospect Your Warm Market
And, How to Make Money On The 90-95% of the People Who Never Join Your Primary Opportunity Without Having To "Create" Any of Your Own Material!
What To Do Next...
Simply fill out the form below, and you'll be given:
"FREE Exclusive Access to Forbidden Information, Tricks, Tactics, and Strategies the Pro's Use to Drive Traffic, Generate Endless Leads, and Make Massive Amounts of Money!"
In fact, there are a lot of online marketing Guru's that are going to be P$SS%D OFF!! That I am GIVING this information away for FREE that they charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for! I know this because I spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars acquiring and learning these skills and tactics from the top internet marketers out there and now I am going to share that information with you! FREE!!
This information is so powerful YOU MUST AGREE that you are going to use it for only moral, legal and ethical business practices!! And not for promoting scams, pyramid schemes, cash-gifting, or porn.
Also, if you are skeptical, a whiner, complainer, excuse maker, or blamer, don't bother. All the information in the world won't help you until you help yourself.
Get The Top Gun
7 Day Boot Camp NOW!!