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About Me

"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant fuckin' Mark Twain shit. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
You may know me, you may not. Anyways, my name’s Steve, I’m a Higher Diploma Production student at ACM in Guildford, where I’m having the time of my life, as anyone that knows me knows. I’m a peaceful guy, happy-go-lucky and quite easily amused, so generally people get on with me. Musically, my strengths lie in production, although hidden talents at midi programming and general electronic music appear to be shining through at the moment, due to my trusty little Logic rig. Other than all that artificial computerised artistic bollocks, I’m also a bassist and guitarist with aspirations of being able to sing one day (I think I can sing, no-one else does). Ah, talking of artistic bollocks, I’m also a bit of a Photoshop wiz, although that’s taken a bit of a back seat in recent times.
I’m living in a wonderful little flat in Guildford, sharing with my amazing girlfriend Nim, and the house-share we’re tacked onto the side of is full of interesting and amazing characters that (thank Gods) we get on with brilliantly. We occasionally run out into Guildford and cause bohemian sorts of trouble. It’s great.
I’ve just started at ACM, and it’s wonderful. Everyone I’ve met has impressed me on at least some small level, and I’m making some great friends there, so I hope to have a very productive (haha) time there.

What a wonderful

My Interests

Music, culture, art, books, more...

I'd like to meet:

The revolutionaries, the rebels, the rioters and the rockers. Not just the people that say "Fuck the system", I want the people that want change.


From A Perfect Circle to Rob Zombie and everything in between.


- Serenity
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Any intelligent horror movie
- Oh, and anything else that entertains me at the time


-Sex and the City
-Shameless (it's great)


Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis, The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell - Marilyn Manson, We Need To Talk About Kevin - Lionel Shriver, all the Vimes books by Terry Pratchett, come to think of it theres far too many books that I like to mention them all here.


Trent Reznor, Rob Zombie, Twiggy Ramirez, and basically anyone that inspires me to do better with my life and my music.

My Blog

Wow. New home.

Well, we've been here a couple of days now, and we're nearly done with all the unpacking (which is a hell of a lot more fun than packing). It's a pretty awesome place, with a full-size kitchen and a ...
Posted by Steviant on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:41:00 PST

I am the Devil, and I am here to do the Devils work.

I watched the absolute fucking masterpiece of a film that is The Devils Rejects the other night.  Blew me away completely.  The brutality, the horrific levels of violence, the eventual reali...
Posted by Steviant on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:02:00 PST

I got in!

After 2 weeks of agonising waiting, I finally got my letter from the ACM. I got in.  I start 25th September. I'm feeling happy right now... (Hah, thats one in the eye for everyone that said I'...
Posted by Steviant on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 04:25:00 PST

Stars are nice. Songs are fun.

Having a big creative streak at the moment, its cool. Lots of cool nice songs. I want to be David Bowie when I grow up.
Posted by Steviant on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 05:25:00 PST

Permanent hearing loss (yeah, it's not a joke any more)

Well, I went to the hospital yesterday, and this is what is wrong with my ear: I have something called a cholesteatoma in my inner ear, which is essentially a buildup of skin and mucus behind my eard...
Posted by Steviant on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:32:00 PST

Oh my god, Queenadreena fucking rocked.

Went to see Queenadreena on Wednesday night at the Fez with Nim.  And oh my fucking god did they blow me away.  Crispin and Katiejane were on top form, managing run around the stage, jump in...
Posted by Steviant on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 12:58:00 PST

Whoopee... I'm a geek.

Well, I finally sorted myself out with a MySpace account with the obligatory photo and filled-in Interests section.  And I added a buncha people as Friends, which is cool too.  Gah.  I'...
Posted by Steviant on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 12:13:00 PST