Shop our Sweet Spirit Naturals division for all natural cleaning supplies, lotions, soaps and hair care.Handmade with God's grace and His gifts from the earth!Take a peek at what our customers are saying about our SofTouch lotion and Miracle Worker hair cream. If you are in the hair care, skin care or massage therapy industry, Sweet Spirit Naturals has solutions for you! Contact us. All of our products are available by the case.*We have made firm commitments to sustainable, socially just principles, including the support of sweatshop-free labor, organic farms, and fair trade products.* We reduce reuse and recycle!
* We support the surrounding community with charitable giving and patronage.
* We have socially responsible values!
* We screen our suppliers for social responsibility.
* We believe that the earth is a gift from God and we are responsible for being good stewards of this wonderful gift!