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About Me

Habiluim is a theatrical Rock & Polka group formed in 1996 by Noam Enbar (Bass & Vocals) & Yammi Wisler (Electric Guitar) as a reaction to the deep sense of boredom they experienced listening to contemporary Israeli Pop music. The Biluim's songs are grotesque accounts of their lives as neurotic individuals as well as citizens of a collapsing country filled with corruption, militarism and racism. Their song 'Shaul Mofaz' tells about the former minister of defense riding his snow slay from house to house giving out amputated organs of dead soldiers to their worried mothers, 'Etzot Me'Imma' (Motherly Advice) is a mother's recommendation to her daughter to have an abortion, so her life won't be ruined like her mother's were when she was born. The grim contents are often accompanied by lively dancing music evolved from the Kleizmer sounds of the Jewish ghetto, combined with eclectic influences and played on various instruments such as violin, bass clarinet, zitter, calimba, kazoo and a Sesame Street toy cash machine. Through the years the Biluim have preformed around Israel and gained a secret cult status. In 2001 the group was signed by major Israeli label N.M.C and recorded their first album, produced by Barry Saharoff (Minimal Compact, Phortisaharoff). The album won critical and commercial success, and made thousands of Israeli teenagers from both sexes grow beards. The Biluim continue to perform in Israel and around the world (well, mostly in Moscow, Budapest and NY) and have lately finished recording their second album, produced by Tamir Muskat (Big Lazy, Balkan Beat Box).

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Member Since: 13/12/2006
Band Members: Noam Enbar - Voclas, Electric Bass, Kalimba *** Benjamin Wisler - Electric Guitar *** Yoni Silver - Bass Clarinet, Saxophone, Violin *** Maya Dunitz - Hammond Organ, Piano, Accordion *** Shiko Sinay - Drums ***
Influences: Habiluim's Circus

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Record Label: NMC
Type of Label: Major

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