I like lamps and kitties. Thats really about it. I have been described as highly mischievious, and on more than one occasion I have been told that I have a smile that would let me get away with murder....so depending on who you talk to that could be a incredibly coveted trait haha just kidding. ummm i recently became obsessed with going for walks. And the dog park is the perfect place to go! But here is a little tidbit of information...Dont wear sandals because your feet will most undeniably get wet. And no, it hasnt rained... So I work at Hollister, which is okay. I get to work with new people every week! I also work at a physio clinic, where I get to torture people. And the best part is I get paid to do it! So thats always nice. Oh, if you are looking for a mean quad stretch you know who to go to! What else? I think the most exciting thing that is happening in my future is my trip to Aruba in August! Yup it gonna be good.
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