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Alone against all

About Me

Hello dear visitors, I'm a french twenty years old young man, and I'm a french boy, I live in Marseilles, a town in the south of France. I hate describe myself, It's absurd because you can't know a person if you just read a description, so if you want know me , come and talk with me. But I will try this execise.
I'm passionated by music, so that is why sound technician is my job because music follows my life and my humors. It's a real important thing for me, one day with no music is not a good day I think. I'm crazy about music, and I like more sorts of style. My favorite activity in this domain is to discover bands who are not very well-known; but I like big bands too. I've started to listen rock'n'roll at school with three bands: Marilyn Manson, Nirvana and The Offspring, after, I have discover more and more groups in differents styles: metal, black-metal, punk, post-punk, grunge, heavy metal, hard rock, gothic-metal during my schooling. After, at secondary school, I've discover the real groups of gothic rock, and I have continue to discover groupes in the differents styles what I have quoting above. Finally at high school, I have discover noise, power-noise, electro-dark, industrial, martial. I listen rap bands too than TTC, MC Jean Gab1, IAM, Dälek and acid jazz than Portishead, Squarepusher, Venetian Snare, and bands than Massive Attack, japanese bands than Kagerou, Moi Dix Mois, ...
My favorite activities is internet with bands forums, myspaces, blogs of cartoon draughtman/woman, and of course public adress system and sound system websites where I know about new things. I like to play at games on computer but I like to compose music too with software of Music Assisted by Computer. I like read books of Amelie Nothomb, Frison-Roche, Stephen King, Anne Rice, H.P Lovecraft, Bernard Werber, Anne Rice, Dan Brown. There is three years ago, I practiced rock-climbing in Calanques de Marseille. At last , I like to watch broadcast series and watch movies on my computer that replace TV very well in my bedroom.
When i'm in shows and music evenings with groups and DJs, i like to dance all night long on industrial, ebm, and power-noise music and drink good beer (we shall finish every big person of any manners) or other alcohol at evenings likes Messes Synthetiques or other evnings at Poste à Galène, Espace Julien, ... or join my friends, my cousin, acquaintances at alcoholic evenings in Elfike, Sunset or friend's home. For the moment, il like to ear noise and power-noise music and I try to compose pieces of music for my personnal project: Äuberster Weltkrieg Drei Apokalypse, but it's hard when I'm not good on rythm and melody, so for the moment I compose atmospheres only. My other serious project is Renfield's Syndrome, an electro-industrial martial young band and we will participate at an important gig: Messes Synthetiques.
I have done at secondary school an electrotechnic study, then, I have studying at high school the job of sound technician, now I seach a job in this domain.
See more on the website of Krasch
The murder is comparable with the sexual act that it is often followed by the same question: that to make of the corpse? But my medecin said to me that my temporary crises of neurosis would not raise me of problems, at least not as long as I hide bodies ...
And I'm what you will bever be

My Interests

Music Assisted by Computer, Internet, Video Games, Websites, Rock Climbing and Clincking Mouse, Read books, Watch broadcast series and movies, Shows and music evenings with groups and DJs, Games in network whith my friends, Alcoholic evenings with friends.

All which can arouse the apocalypse, the disaster, the destruction, the psychosis, the chaos, the fear, the abomination, the hatred, the trash, the violence, the unhealthy.

I'd like to meet:

More and more people, the millions of people who walk in my brain, heros, musicians, celebrities, and you why not, but I prefer to meet you in real life, because it's in real life that we real meet people. When you are in front of your computer, it's a game, you can be schizophrenic, and I say that you are not very good in this domain ... because I know that I am stronger than you in the role of the young skyzophrenic psychopate.

So before add me in your friend, send me an e-mail.


54 Nude Honey, 1349, 1969 Was Fine, Ab Ovo, Aghast, Agonoize, Ambassador21, Arsch Dolls, Artz-K, Ausgang, Blue Oyster Cult, Blut Aus Nord, Brighter Death Now, Burzum, Calva Y Nada, Cheerleader 69, Con-Dom, Converter, Crass, Current 93, Dogpop, DPP, Emperor, Folkstorm, Gaë Bolg And The Church Of Fand, Galakthorrö, Gary Numan, Geistform, Geneviève Pasquier, Genocide Organ, Haus Arafna, Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk, ICK, Immortal, Jabberwock, John Cage, Kom-Intern, Laibach, Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Les Tambours Du Bronx, Luc Ferrari, Lucky Striker 201, Machinen Zimmer 412, Marduk, Marilyn Manson, Maska Genetik, Mayhem, Merzbow, Micropoint, Mötley Crüe, Motorhead, Muckrackers, Near Death Experience, Neon Cage Experiment, Nine Inch Nails, Nitzer Ebb, NON, November Növelet, Oil 10, Pere Ubu, Peste Noire, Pink Floyd, Poupee Fabrikk, PPF, Psychic TV, Punish Yourself, Qntal, Rob Zombie, Sonar, Sopor Aeternus, Spektr, Spetsnaz, Tamtrum, TAT, Terry Riley, The Gerogerigegege, The Grey Wolves, The Locust, Thorofon, Throbbing Gristle, Toroidh, Ulver, Wappenbund, Wumpscut, Xotox, Zorch Factor, Zyklon-B


Pink Floyd The Wall, Bernie, Enfermés Dehors,Lord Of War, Calvaire, Trainspotting, Danny The Dog, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Dragon Rouge, Carne, Seul Contre Tous, House Of Dead, The Big Lebowski, Cecile B Demented, Pink Flamingos, Joyeux Noël, Sheitan, La Cité De La Peur, La Vie De Brian, Dancer In The Dark, Le Sens De La Vie, Le Silence Des Agneaux, Le Vaisseau De L'Angoisse, Nikita, Erik Le Viking, Sacré Graal, Tueurs Nés, Old Boy, Kill Bill I, Kill Bill II, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, C'est Arrivé Près De Chez Vous, Hannibal, House Of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Saw I, Saw II, Saw III, Full Metal Jacket, Stupeurs Et Tremblements, Terminator I, Terminator II, Terminator III, Las Vegas Parano, Big Fish, Charlie Et La Chocolaterie, Les Noces Funèbres, Vincent, American Story X, Moi Christiane F 13 ans droguée prostituée, Baise-Moi, Les Jolies Choses, Trouble Every Day, Dark City, Eraserhead, Ken Park, The Wig, Eros, 9 Semaines Et Demie, Tesis, El Topo, La Montagne Sacée, Psychose, Arnaques Crimes et Botaniques, Attente Sanglante, Bienvenu A Gattaca, Cannibal Holocaust, Casshern, Chasseurs De Primes, Dangerous Liaisons, De Nuremberg A Nuremberg, Le Cinquième Element, Edward Aux Mains D'Argent, Dobermann, Arizona Dreams, The Buterfly Effect, Affreux Sales Et Mechants, Evil Dead I, Evil Dead II, Evil Dead III, Following, Four Rooms, From Beyond, Nouvelle Cuisine, Furyo, Irreversible, Tales From The Gimli Hospital, The Saddest Music In The World, Hannibal Lecter Les Origines Du Mal, Hard Candy, Hellraiser I Le Pacte, Hellraiser II Les Ecorchés, Hellraiser III L'Enfer Sur Terre, Hellraiser IV La Traçe Du Sang, Hellraiser V Inferno, Hellraiser VI Hellseeker, Hellraiser VII Deader, Hellraiser VIII Hellworld, Ils Ont Filmés La Guerre En Couleurs, Ils, Vibroboy, Enquête Sur Le Monde Invisible, Blue Holocaust, L'Exorcisme D'Emilie Rose, L'Exorciste Le Commencement, L'exorciste, La Colline A Des Yeux, La Malédiction I, La Malédiction II Damien, La Malédiction III Finale, La Secte Sans Nom, La Traque Des Nazis, La Voix Des Morts, Les Carnets Secrets De Nuremberg, Dans Ma Peau, Massacre A La Tronçonneuse Le Commencement, Massacre A La Tronçonneuse, Men Behind The Sun, Le Couvent, Necronomicon, Citizen Kane, Le Procès, 3 Extrèmes, La Bombe, Poltergeist I, Poltergeist II, Poltergeist III, Promenons Nous Dans Les Bois, Institut Benjamenta, Scarface, Severance, Lolita, Orange Mecanique, Ichi The Killer, Visitor Q, Blow, Tetsuo I, Tetsuo II, Videodrome, Wayne's World


The Simpsons, Prison Break, Oz, Futurama, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Shamploo, Nip Tuck, Daria, Six Feet Under, Blood +


Génération Extrême, Anges & Démons, Da Vinci Code, Entretient avec un vampire, Le Lien Maléfique, Dans l'Âbime du Temps, Dagon, Le Myhte ..hulhu, L'Arbre Des Possibles, Les Thanathaunautes, Roadmaster, Simetierre, Les Tommyknockers, La Petite Fille Qui Aimait Tom Gordon, Carrie, Shining, Danse Macabre, La Ligne Verte, Dead Zone, Dreamcatcher, Un Tour Sur Le Bolid', Sac D'Os, Ca (tome 1), Ca (tome 2), Premier De Cordée, La Grande Crevasse, Attentat, Cosmétique De L'Ennemi, Stupeurs Et Tremblements, Métaphysique Des Tubes, Mercure, Le Sabotage Amoureux, Hygiène De L'Assassin, Biographie De La Faim, Antéchrista, Acide Sulfurique, Goth, Carnets Noirs Acte I La Scène Internationnale, Carnets Noirs Acte II La Scène Francophone, Frison Roche, Stephen King, Amélie Nothomb, H P Lovecraft


I am my own heroe and I'm what you will never be, but for the moment I like Zack Weiner with his Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal ( in french here ), Max Cannon with his Red Meat ( in french here ) and for the end, the best: Pinhead in Hellraiser.

My Blog

Renfields Syndrome - Part II - La Montée sur scène

Autant vous dire que c'est assez épineux de se dire que l'on répète pour la seconde ou troisième fois, et encore ... répéter ... quoi que si ! Les autres ont bien répétés tandis que moi, vers 13h00 je...
Posted by KrascH on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:46:00 PST

Renfields Syndrome - Part I - Le Commencement

Comme vous le savez, je fais parti depuis le début de l'été du groupe Aixois Electro-Indus Martial: Renfield's Syndrome.- Que c'est-il passé durant tout l'été (voir même un peu avant) ?Tout d'abord, M...
Posted by KrascH on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:30:00 PST