I'm NEVER going to quit again damn it....no one told me about all this crap. |
K...the title could mean a lot of things. But! What it actually means, is that I finally quit smoking.It's been 21 years kiddies (with a 3 year break somewhere in the middle) and let me tell ya...th... Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 22:44:00 GMT |
The 3 second rule... |
I swear this isnt about swine flu. It is, however, about germs in general. Im a germ freak (NOT to be confused with being a clean freak. Family dirt is&well family dirt. Its tolerable. It has t... Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 22:49:00 GMT |
I've got the lotion Babe...want to pet my skull? |
This is totally a tag blog. So there!But first...I just want to thank you guys for bearing with me on that last entry. Though my blog is public, it still can be very personal and quite often I treat... Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 00:03:00 GMT |
Mirror mirror...damn it. |
Why the hell am I blogging when I probably won't have time to...?Fuck it. I can. Feel free to ignore my pity party.Sorry folks. Bad mood. Bad moon. Bad bad bad things going round inside my head r... Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 00:46:00 GMT |
The Ghost and the Pizza Goddess (Yes! It's a pizza blog) |
It's an odd blog to suit my odd mood...so hang on kiddies.Ok...so the economy sucks right now. It's kicking your delivery driver's ass just like it's kicking everyone else's. There's a reason I have... Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 23:15:00 GMT |
Something About Autism...but also about communication. |
For anyone who didn't already know...So! I've blogged about Autism off and on and it usually only comes up when I'm angry or concerned about something that's going on in my son's life. Wait? What a... Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:09:00 GMT |
Finally took the Twilight Express to apathy... |
I really like the title. It's probably better than the blog...but what's new right?I LOVE movies and in the last few weeks I've watched two movies that I've been waiting to see for a very long time!Y... Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:27:00 GMT |
What the HELL is in there? |
So! The other day Hubby goes to lay down for a quick nap...And of course! There's a chain of events (beginning with me reminding him he needs to figure out what's wrong with my internet connection a... Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 00:07:00 GMT |
Like a Dog...or not. It's about Loyalty. |
Man, I hope this isn't going to be a drag...But! I've had something on my mind since that last blog and ya'll know how messy it can get on this page when my head explodes because I didn't get somethi... Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 00:02:00 GMT |
If I knew then... |
I'm always telling people that if I could go back and change something that I'd done in the past...I wouldn't. I firmly believe that every step and misstep that I've made in my life has made me who I... Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 01:25:00 GMT |