fAitH cHaliCe profile picture

fAitH cHaliCe

freAk!!! co0l!! fasHionAble!!! IntElligEnt!!!!

About Me

bUttErflYWhen you love someone so deeply They become your life It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside Blindly I imagined I could Keep you under glass Now I understand to hold you I must open up my hands And watch you riseCHORUS 1 Spread your wings and prepare to fly For you have become a butterfly Fly abandonedly into the sun If you should return to me We truly were meant to be So spread your wings and fly ButterflyVERSE 2 I have learned that beauty Has to flourish in the light Wild horses run unbridled Or their spirit dies You've given me the courage To be all that I can And I truly feel your heart will Lead you back to me When you're ready to landCHORUS 2 Spread your wings and prepare to fly For you have become a butterfly Fly abandonedly into the sun If you should return to me We truly were meant to be So spread your wings and fly ButterflyBRIDGE I can't pretend these tears Aren't over flowing steadily I can't prevent this hurt from Almost overtaking me But I will stand and say goodbye For you'll never be mine Until you know the way it feels to flyCHORUS 3 Spread your wings and prepare to fly For you have become a butterfly Fly abandonedly into the sun If you should return to me We truly were meant to be So spread your wings and fly ButterflyCHORUS 4 Spread your wings and prepare to fly For you have become a butterfly Fly abandonedly into the sun If you should return to me We truly were meant to be So spread your wings and fly Butterfly So flutter through the sky Butterfly Spread your wings and fl Butterfly

My Interests

aLL thE thIngs 'bOut rEginE velAsquEz..Sp0rts..sh0wbiz..stUdies..shoppiNG(???)MuSic..

I'd like to meet: tactbox.jpgeVerybOdy..rEgIne velAsquez..spongeBob..PatrIck..


r n' b..l0vE sonGs..PunK..ReGinE veLasqueZs s0ngs..-- -- Destiny's Child - Cater 2 U -- Video provided by VideoCodes4U


haRry pottEr,honeY,FanTastiC fOur,kiLL bIll,scAry moVie,eTc.


MaH PareNts..

My Blog

0nE of mY fAvoritE poem

s0nNet 1 (shakespear) first,a poem must be magical then,musical as a seagull it must be a brightness moving and hold secret a bird's flowering it must be slender as abell, and it must hold fire as wel...
Posted by fAitH cHaliCe on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:48:00 PST


"FrEakIn FAith" ButtErfLyVERSE 1 When you love someone so deeply They become your life It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside Blindly I imagined I could Keep you under glass Now I understan...
Posted by fAitH cHaliCe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST