•°o.O Casey O.o°• profile picture

•°o.O Casey O.o°•

♥I sEe My WhOlE fUtUrE iN yOuR eYeS♥

About Me

Well my name is Casey...I walk the halls of Connally High School...I took my frist breath on 12/11/89... I have a gurlfriend that i love very much!!I have green eyes and I had blonde hair but I still act like on e at times but now is like a brownish red im also 4'10 yea I know im short but thats ok...Well if you wanna know more about me you know what you can do...I edited my profile at MsPremade.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!

** I love my bayb gurl with all my heart... i dont think i have ever felt this way with anyone...bayb i know we have only been together for 9 months but it feels like forever and i can see us together years from now... the love that we share is special it never stops and it keeps growing... i know that we have downs but no matter what im still happy cause im with you and i know nothin can come between us!! everytime i am with you i feel like nothin can go wrong... Taylor I Love You BayB Girl!** *** Yep Thats Me! ***

My Interests


LiTtLe MiSs CaSeY! R.I.P. You Will Be Missed

