Cameo Creations profile picture

Cameo Creations

For all things unique, cool, and kawaii!

About Me

I am a 19-year-old designer in Colorado. I get to wake up each day and see the mountains, which makes me HAPPY! I started Cameo.Creations recently because I realized that people want to buy the things I make!

I began years ago making clay jewelery, then progressed to wire-and-bead jewelery. I started sewing things for myself because I could never find anything I liked that fit me and didn't cost a wad of cash... Then I started knitting. That's when the ruckus started. I tend to knit things I want to wear, such as Kitty-Cat Hats, legwarmers, various bright-coloured things, and, most recently, Katamari Earmuffs!!! People want my stuff, so I decided to sell it.

My Interests

Crafty Things! And anime/manga, good movies, good literature...

I'd like to meet:

Cool People


NIN, anime music, The Birthday Massacre, My Chemical Romance, Wierd Al..

among many others...


Perfect Blue, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, Phantom of the Opera...

again, too many to think of at the moment.


Lost, Family Guy, Futurama, Adult Swim, anime of many sorts


manga, Anne McCaffrey, anything Phantom of the Opera,His Dark Materials, Lord of the Rings...


My husband, people who do what they want instead of conforming to society