alona_CESS[going home July 5th!] profile picture

alona_CESS[going home July 5th!]

I'll stop the time and steal you for me.

About Me

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I'm CESS. I'm an exchange student. I'm from the Philippines. We have 7,107 islands there and I'm going to own at least 2. I'm in Cashmere until July 5th and it might be small but I'm loving it. I think the "town" itself is perfect. I hope that nobody will take it for granted. I love my friends here and I miss them a lot, even right now. I have view in life that you will agree but will be hard to apply. I'm going to college this year (hopefully lol) and am very excited. I don't like myspace 'coz I think its home for viruses and there's nothing good here except for some people but since my friends has this, I don't have a lot of choice unless they'll have facebook or friendster. lol

My dream is to achieve my own definition of happiness.

My Interests

travelling, music, being an ambassador of our country, MEETING YOU!

I'd like to meet:

The friends that I have met in my life. Particularly people from Cashmere, 5060 exchange students, and Filipinos that I can be proud of.MSN messenger: [email protected]


christian, original filipino music, dance music, sentimental, soul/love/, rnb


Passion of the Christ, A Walk To Remember, Anak, [I like movies but I'm not couch potato enough to see a gazillion... ^_^]


my Bible, Purpose Driven Life,


My mom and Christ. =)