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Lover of the magic nature, the music, trance, tribes and all kinds of free expression and manifestation that envolve ourselves. Since young lisen to Rock, Raggea and diferents sounds roots. About 1994 start to experience some alternative sounds more eletronic industrial and beginig of techno, Bakalao IBIZA 94 ( full Love Stage rs). Slowly Slowly things geting envolve (psychotropics as well rs), new few litle parties, benning of acid trance scene in Brazil ( Uau was wicked!) until 96 What a Psychodelic Trance!! UUfffa than begin like a new life party BOOM!! In 1998 my first party out of Brazil Boom Festival in Portugal, very nice new things... Back to Brazil TRANCOSO getting warm internatinal freaks from Goa discovered a new free paradise land!! I start to organize outside Sao Paulo with some friends from de university one litle party call PSYCHO GARDEN, every 2 months one Psycho Garden ( no commercial, money, egos...just essence of the psychodelic power music magic)Thanks and respect for especial party groups in that time in Brazil:Exxperience, Daime Tribe,Solar Flares, Gaya rave, Mother ship Connection and Avonts.In 1999 Germany first time, Antaris, Shiva Moom, VooV SUPER SOUND!!!Than France ZEN 99 Festival Highlight tribe..cooll!!Back to Brazil carring on the Psycho Garden parties and was amazing time...2001 back to Germany all the festivals again!!new years eve 2001 - 2002 party on in Mexico TRES RIOS ( dj Celli and Javier Fux nice ones)mescall Back to Brazil Psycho Garden still ROCKING!!until the next one Zambia Solipse Party 9 My first DMT at the Eclipse Very special party for me than after party Jungle Junction Livingtone Uuuaaau 11 days, than South Africa LAKA MY BRO hehehe Allien Safari,back to Brazil than i dicide to move ( bye Psycho Garden with love i was need to experience more)..back to Germany summer festivals, Camping eletric Denmark...Greece Malacas Amazing first Solar LUna festival in Samotraki, than London new life, family, squat!! start to doing deco with Gus for Wonderland, Moon Flower, Fary Tales and Dragonfly parties. Love all the family in London!!!3,5 years in London traveling 36 countries alredy back in mid 2005 to Brazil for good..Now i am a marketing Manager for a Brazilian Plastic Packing Company responsible for bring and develop a new tecnologie pionner in the world for BIODEGRADABLE PLASTC BOTTLES, Winner the first price ABRE 2006 Brazilian Packing Associacion and ïn NOV 06 winner of WORLDSTAR 2006 for WTO WORLD PACKING ORGANIZATION in Category of ECODESING, looking forward positive to help the enviorement. Parties in Brazil is not that magic that was before ( parties getting Commercial around). Some of still nice like Universo Paralelo. Now no more too much parties but still love a lot the music and dancing on the floor, drops drops.... Shamanism i realy into it at the studing the magic Entheogenics power of our nature like Ayahuasca( Daime and Kaxinawa indian tribe ritual), Kambô the pasychodelic gland frog and many others plants of God. So anyone who wants to come to Brazil are very welcome for me i will be happy to give all the information, for parties, cerimonies, rituals...I miss a lot all the London family and the people that a meet in the dance floor many times around!!Love U ALL!!!ps ´I realy like Ambient, lounge, chill out music!!!Contact Tables