DJ Arketype profile picture

DJ Arketype

HOMO GOTIKUS INDUSTRIALIS // Ich bin nicht von dieser welt !

About Me

My Interests

* * * It's just the beginning... DJ ARKETYPE * * *MUSIC (see Music section), Movies (see Movies section), sex, dancing, computers and networking, esoterism, sex...

I'd like to meet:

AN ALIEN... "Ich bin nicht von dieser welt!"______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________


Kraftwerk.Pink Floyd.Depeche Mode.Absolute Body Control.The Chameleons.The Wake.Cabaret Voltaire.Trisomie 21.VNV Nation.Suicide Commando.Assemblage 23.Funker Vogt.Calva Y Nada.Adult.Ladytron.Amduscia.Bigod 20.Clan of Xymox.Crème de Menthe.Exilanation.Covenant.Combichrist.Implant.Angels and Agony.Negative Format.Headscan.Neurotic Fish.Suicide.Interpol.People Theater.Fad Gadget.The Neon Judgement.Gary Numan.SITD.Snow in China.Supreme Court.Hocico.Tactical Sekt.Welle Erdball.X-Fusion.Alien Skull Paint.Cleaner.Digital Factor.Diorama.A Blaze Colour.


A CLOCKWORK ORANGE , The Truman Show, Koyaanisquatsi, The Abyss, Schindler's List, Mulholland Drive, La vita e bella (Roberto Benigni), David Cronenberg, horror movies of all kind (from Fantasia-like to Georges A. Romero's Zombie's quadrilogy and more), Unbreakable,The Village, Signs, Lady In The Water (M.Night Shyamalan), Woody Allen movies, Monty Python movies, unexplained & weird stuff such as The Cube trilogy, admitted JACKASS fan ! ... porn ...


LA SOIREE DU HOCKEY, South Park, Trailer Park Boys, Jackass.


Reading Rene Barjavel's LA NUIT DES TEMPS at this moment, all TINTIN & Asterix, any esoteric matter or subject.
