hOLyShit profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

mE.... i mAkEs uSe 0f EveRy OppoRtunIty tO gROw And impROve....i AccEptS ALsO c0nStruCtIvE cRitIcIsM wIth gO0dwiLL And A deSiRe tO ImpR0vE And iM thE 0Ne peRs0n wh0 cAn be depenD upOn in Any ciRcumtAnCeS`...!

My Interests

i wAnt tO knOw mOre abOut peOpLe.....specIaLLy ----"YOU"----!

I'd like to meet:

! wAnt tO mEet my sOuLmAte.... and Of cOurSe -----"YOU"-----!


aLterNatIveS...raP...dIscO.....any musIc that caN fiLL my seNses!


-===[ aNy kInD Of mOvIeS! ]===-


-=[ pOcKeT bOOks!...(havIng tragic LOVE stOry!) and bOOk oF knOwLedgE! ]=-


-=[ my MAN! (his my HERO!hehhehhhhe) ]=-

My Blog


the reason by hoobastank I'm not a perfect person As many things I wish I didn't do But I continue learning I never meant to do those things to you And so I have to say before I go That I jus...
Posted by hOLyShit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST