Azzy Bby! [RGB] profile picture

Azzy Bby! [RGB]


About Me

comments plz :)
18 years/female/sydney/taken♥
i have fluro underwear :)
and i like to dance.

ariel celeste
wish i could live of fairy floss :)
i have more guy friends
but love the girls i have.
good bye to hsc :) 18325853 yeee!
these days i have everything i need to be happy.
i have a boyf that walks to me house at 11 @night
the best friends who would do ANYTHING to see me smile
+ a mother who is the greatest thing to walk this earth!
oh and my lil sis goes aight (:
i'm the kind of girl who chooses to smile
chooses to laugh, and chooses to be happy
my digital camera is my baby ♥
i'm just may be everything yu call me behind my back
so grow some balls and tell me to my face!
kthnx (:
2006-2007;best years of my life ♥
the memories i'll always treasure
with people i'll never forget (L)

+ i'm pretty sure i love him with all my ♥
hes the kinda boyf that writes me songs + sings them to me (L)
It can be so hard, just starting out
but look how far we’ve come, theres no stopping now
you’re my queen, and I will be your king
and you, you’re the sweetest thing to me

My Interests

agenda 2007:
19/10; english paper one
22/10; english paper two & entertainment industry
23/10; one month ♥
24/10; dance
26/10; mathematics
4/11; dad leaves for canberra
8/11; rob goes to bathurst
9/11; drama
10/11; SUPRISE :) - ashley's party!
12/11;rob gets back from bathurst (: + nan arrives from melbourne!
15/11;jiago leaves for india :(
16/11;burden's party + mia's urbanstar singing comp
18/11;nan goes back to melbourne
23/11;two months ♥
27/11;dad lands back in sydney
28/11;formal night (L)
8ish/12;rob needs his injection LOLS
16/12;rob leaves for vietnam :(

oliver got my 8000th comment!! (L)
amy got my 9000th comment!

I'd like to meet:


nikole;the bestest estest ever. my number one (L) i love her!


brennn;the boy i love to bits + who gives me faith in everything!


robbb;the boyf, he has my heart + is my heart, he's everything i've ever wanted + everything i need (L)
i love you! 23.09.07

My Blog

worth a mention (L)

1. I barely see you around these days. I'm partly to blame for this. But none the less you are an amazing person and an even better friend! The friendship I have found in you is one i'm sure will last...
Posted by Azzy Bby! [RGB] on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:40:00 PST

quite honestly

this all sucks.apologise don't mean anything anymore these days.we all say them but do half of us mean it?for those who don't, why say it? why use words that mean nothing to yubecause for those of us ...
Posted by Azzy Bby! [RGB] on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 06:53:00 PST