Whats the problem? i haven't got a problem, Ive got fuckin problems. Well Most Recently there this scary gangster dude poking his finger in my chest, theres these hooligan kids snapping their fingers at me, there a putrid rotting corpse of a dead horse stuffed in the springs of the bed, theres rooms blazing a fire, there a big fat needle from gods knows where stuck in my leg infecting me with god knows what, and finally theres me walking out a door right fuckin now, bounesnotches...Thingss i loveee..
-hard music
-jester my pet mongoose...
-rocking it ;)
-scattered sundaiss
-jager bombs!
-wen i get in my micky moods
-getting freeeee shit
-a bed after clubbing
-having money
-up and go's
-make up sex
-fishing with joe
-kickin it
-being straight out!!!!