Best friends, the boy's bathroom, pillow forts, TiVo, French poodles, legit people, airports, 31 rue Cambon, 28 La Pausa, blueberry tea, secrets, big cities, all-nighters, Q-tips, pushing on bruises, motion activated porch lights, throwing stuff in garbage cans from different positions at various distances.
Prove it
Non-smokers, some crucial do-overs and someone to stand under my umbrella, ella ella eh eh eh.
Ghengis Ahn's Friend Space
Oh Lindsay
Ryan's iPod, Leviticus, Love songs on the Kost, CDs you left in my room, David Lynch soundtracks,ISIS, Rio en Medio, Deadbirds, Pelican, Lhasa De Sela, Blonde Redhead, Josephine Baker, Jesu, Beirut, Angelo Badalamenti, Beth Gibbons, any thing that sticks to your ribs.
Mulholland Drive, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Dangerous Liaisons, The Last Unicorn.
The Sopranos, Melrose Place re-runs, any reality show on Bravo.
Vonnegut, Bukowski, Hemingway, Faulkner, Nin, Tolkien.
Brett Beatty as Christopher Walken.