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Forgiven And Blessed

About Me

Forgiven and Blessed is made up of some of the best Christian musicians in western Massachusetts. We have come together to play and sing original Christian music that has been written, for the most part, by Bob Pruitt with some assist from Joe Canuel. Everyone involved in Forgiven and Blessed has employment outside of the church. None of us are full-time musicians or singers. We all come from varied backgrounds and professions. David Wheeler(lead guitar and vocals) is 25 years old and a pastor's kid from northern California. He taught himself to play guitar at 18: how to smoke and drink at 14. When he turned 24 God touched him and took away his addictions. Now his only addiction is praising God. Chrissy Chapin is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts and is on the praise team at Faith Baptist church in Greenfield(as are most of the band). Chrissy loves singing for the Lord and does most of the background vocals on the CD. David Fain(lead guitar) was born in New York and raised as a Catholic.He says that Jesus opened his eyes to his grace after he got married and remarkably at the same time as his wife. His prayer is that more eyes are opened to the truth and that if this album causes one person to open their heart to Jesus it will be well worth the effort. Ian Bauer(bass, keyboards, piano and anything else he can get his hands on) was born at a very early age in South Carolina. His family moved to Massachusetts while he was still in diapers and in his early teens he developed his love for God. His love of music began when his grandfather gave him a guitar at age 12. Ian enjoys reading, eating copious amounts of chicken and parlously locking and unlocking doors at local community college(security guard) His favorite Bible verse is Acts 19:19. Donny Dodge(drummer, shaker, tambourine, chisel) grew up in Buckland, Ma and still lives there with his wife of 17 years and 3 children. Donny makes a living as a welder and tries hard not to spend it all on drum gear. Donny started playing his first snare drum age 5 and got his first set at 14. He taught himself by playing to rock and heavy metal records. In the mid 80's he started playing clubs in a band that played mostly heavy rock and punk. After about five years he met his wife, Angela; a Christian. He had always believed there was a God, but Angela made it clearer to him. In 1991 he was saved on a cold evening after a party at a friend's house. Seeking to calm a craving for clam chowder, they stopped at a Friendly's restaurant. Little did they know that God had something else in store for them. Standing in line, Donny met a stranger. After talking to him, Donny found out that he was a Christian and the next thing he knew he was receiving the Lord as his saviour right in the middle of the entrance to Friendly's with people going in and out and wondering who the two freaks were praying in the doorway. Donny says he doesn't know who that guy was who prayed with him, but he thanks the Lord for him and for allowing him to use the talents and experiences that he has had to finally honor and glorify Him!! Carol Pruitt(vocals) was born and raised in Lyons, New York. She is a grandmother and married to Bob. She was born again in Tallahassee, Florida where she met and married Bob. Carol serves the Lord at Faith Baptist Church in Greenfield, Ma. where she takes on many responsibilities to serve God and his people. She loves to sing for the Lord. Bob Pruitt(vocals, acoustic guitar, Q-chord) is a native Texan, Vietnam vet, former drug addict that has lived most of his life in warm climates and finds New England weather to be hard to take. He met and married Carol in Tallahassee in 1988. In 1995, after many years of drug addiction, he came to know the Lord after losing his job, his wife, his life-savings, his dignity, and anything else he thought was of any value, and almost his life. On the floor of a LaQuinta motel with a Gideons Bible in hand turned to Psalms 37 he called upon Jesus and was saved. Carol took him back and God restored him. Now Bob plays on the praise team at church, teaches a Sunday morning growth group, and is a deacon at the church. Praise God!!!! As you can see, we all come from varied backgrounds. However, we ALL love the Lord and desire to honor and glorify HIm in all that we do. We would also like to acknowledge people like Peter McDowell who took many of the photos of the band and gave encouragement throughout the process. Also, Rusty Annis who owns Shoestring Studios where we recorded the CD. Rusty has a fine ear and loves the Lord and was very patient with us as most of us had no idea what we were doing from the very start. We also want to thank Rusty for playing the Shophar on the song "HE DIED FOR ME." To all the people that prayed for us as we went week by week to the studio we cannot say thank you enough. Your prayers meant so very much to all of us. Thanks also to Matt Teater for encouragement and advice. Above all, though, we want to give praise and thanks to the Lord for His guidance through all of this as we saw His hand in so many things. It is truly amazing when we are able to sit back and watch God actively involved as He was in this project. Thank You, Jesus!!!

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Member Since: 12/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Forgiven and Blessed is made up of Christian musicians and singers that truly love the Lord and wish to serve Him through music. David Wheeler plays lead guitar and sings. Donny Dodge is the drummer and percussionist. Ian Bauer plays bass, keyboards and piano. David Fain also plays lead guitar. Chrissy Chapin does vocals. Carol Pruitt also does vocals. Bob Pruitt plays acoustic guitar, Q-chord, and sings. We live in western Massachusetts, but are from all over America.TP HELL AND BACK PT1.
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Influences: Most of our songs were written by Bob Pruitt and he is an old rock and roller with roots in the fifties and sixties. But our biggest influence has been Jesus, as He has given us the words and talents.----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: COMPASSION Dave Date: Feb 15, 2007 4:32 PMHey F and B, thanx for being a friend. I hope you don't mind, but I ask three (3) things of all my friends to prayerfully consider. Here they are: 1) Joining our MySpace Jesus + Compassion Group (click on the name to visit) .
Get your own countUP at 2) Helping our ministry by placing a Compassion banner (below) on your profile or group page. 3) Sponsoring a Compassion Child. Again, I am only asking that you prayerfully consider these things, If you already have done any of these things, may God bless you abundantly. By the way, here is what our banner looks like: (*Hit 'reply' & only the 'code' will appear, not the banner - just cut and paste it onto your page). .

May God richly bless you - Compassion dave God's Own Blood

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My Blog

Memorial Day Poem 2008

Once Again I must put up a poem about my best friend growing up in Waco, Texas. Jackie went off to fight in Vietnam and then a few weeks later I did too. He didn't die in Vietnam but was wounded three...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 14:51:00 GMT

Memorial Day Poem 2008

Once Again I must put up a poem about my best friend growing up in Waco, Texas. Jackie went off to fight in Vietnam and then a few weeks later I did too. He didn't die in Vietnam but was wounded three...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 14:51:00 GMT

Purchase Our New CD

As of January 22nd, 2007 you may purchase our new Cd by sending us an e-mail to [email protected]   YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE  THE CD AT WAY OF LIFE CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE ON S. DEERFI...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 15:03:00 GMT

How many mistakes can one person make?

Hey, guys and gals, Hope God is taking good care of all of you. Well, this has been an interesting week, with all of this techno stuff trying to get these websites up and running. I am still learning ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:57:00 GMT

Recording a CD

Well, here goes. I've never "blogged" before. Actually, I've never recorded a Cd before. But, God has given me a lot of great songs, some great Christian friends that are also great musicians, an...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 14:27:00 GMT