Some of u might be wondering where im from, what im about an how I got da name 2xplicit so heres da history
I was born in the UK, London to be precise south of da Thames River in a place called far back as I can remember since primary school I've been musicaly influenced, Id play out wiv friends an all we'd hear is sirens and reggae bumped round da ends feeding our blocks wid base............when I was in primary Kriss Kross had jus come out an I always new from then I'd never be a wigidawigidaWACK mc like we still hear today pushed onto our tv screens......................I've always kept a wide circle of people from different creeds and coultures around me which has kept me open minded, knowledgeable and un-ignorant a state of mind needed in todays world of propaganda we're fed by those in control......after primary I then moved on to secondary school.............then got moved on to another secondary school where I got an A* in cussing and music...........those I new at the time were listening to rap some were more into da rave scene so I was listening to music from 2-Pac to Jungle/Drum & Base sets passed to me on cassette tapes............yeah remember those things...........House & Garage came out shortly after D&B which I then started spitting over while my friend Frazer (R.I.P) was feeding me mixed tapes of Wu-Tang, Mobb Deep, M.F.C, Naz, Pharoe, Killer Army, Seller Dwellers, Grave Diggers, Onix, Canibus, Redman, Busta and etc giving me a unique edge over other mc's spitting over H&G at da time....................round da ends bare of us would jam on da block proving money realy does grow on trees while sipping rum and freestyling serious bars..............over time I started to realise how much I had to say and how good I was sounding when saying it on a rydem or over someone beatboxing, so I decided to take da required talent further and in 2000 made my first track Surrounded by Lies which was performed, written and produced by me.............shortly after I made another track called Fucked Ute which was more of a personal track of mine but captured a lot of attention...........both of these tracks are on my first E.P titled 2X The Begining which u can purchase once my pal pal's sorted....................all the different people I know, music I've heard and experiences I've had has helped me to become a very Xplicit, imaginative, intelegent, conscious, political, roar, versatile lyricist as u'll hear if u havent already.
Right my name I got da name 2xplicit because explicit means: to explain all and leave nothing out and to cut a long story shorter thats wat I bludy do A.K.A 2XP, Da All Seeing Eye, Professor X, Da Glitch......................
My music is a reflection on wat I do and have done, wats going on in da world, wat my eyes see and da depth of my imagination, I've also been known to make accurate predictions in da past so listen out for my track currently in production titled da national lottery numbers...............
I'm very selective with who features on my tracks, so far featured on my tracks are da likes off..........da lovely Tanysha track title: I Pray - a Fader production, CLG (from the chain of command) & Kaiow (from the IRS) track titled: Watch ur Self - an I.AM.ILL production, Plunda track title: Rymes So Cold - a Fader production, da amazing Renae track title: Day Dream - a Jacked beat production................Im always creating new material and so u'll hear more feartures from a cue of mc's/ artists in da open to business proposals and dont mind featuring myself................but I'll give u fare warning prepare..........make sure your shits tight
I've been rapping for to long now but chose never to father the game, anyway ive returned now to bitch slap the shit out of it and leave my mark, standard procedure... trust me!... so get to know the name...
2XPLICIT!.................................There will be more an more tracks uploaded to listen out for, I want as much feedback about my tracks as possible so feel no way to speek your minds, until then......