first and foremost, i love that any of the pictures put in my comments that are of me, are of me witha beer can in my hand. thanks guys. way to capture the damn moment. no really, thats awesome. much love. i have no penis. i do have alot to say all the time. i totally will beat you at nintendo. what? it takes alot to explain me which still has yet to be done successfully. sadly, the closest one to doing isnt me, rather my hubby and thats because he thinks i should be an archaeologist. to begin, my parents are old ancient hippies who squared out but being allowed the choice of one of their masterships from their hippyism, ...well lets just say instead of BAC levels, they have ABC levels. boy do they make me proud. my father works for a slightly-more-well-known-than-others non-profit organization we all refer to as "PBS" one is really sure what my mother does, but everyone loves her. i have an older sister who is really cool, but she's also a huge bitch and i hate her. thanks for mardi gras whore. i forgot what i was saying mid-sentence...sorry. i have been near death more often than i have seen a shooting star, then again, i have one in my very posession... does that mean something? one time in florida this old man in a pool with a huge painting of bob hope at the bottom taught me how to say "I Love You" in Tagalog. then i moved to austin and got married. there was a whole bunch of nonsense school and my entire life up untill now but thats all a blur so apparently, i've had a lot of fun.
p.s. i'm a total nerd. dont believe me?, that means someone doesnt think i'm a nerd, thank you kind citizen!