MotoGP 4 Me profile picture

MotoGP 4 Me

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, as you can read, I'm totally into MotoGP, basically any kinda motorcycle racing does it for me, but I still think that this is the pinnicle of our sport. My name is Aaron, I'm a Warehouse/Driver for Slakey Bros. outta Chico. Which means I pull orders for people get into my big green truck and drive 'em out. I'm really just a laid back guy that tries to have fun where ever I am and is always up for something new. I'm also a rugby freak, I suppose I like too many adrenaline sports but whatever, they are my sports. Anywho, anything else and you should write me. I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

MotoGP, World Superbike, World Supersport, 250 &125 GP's, AMA Superbike, Supersport, Formula Extreme, and Superstock, AFM and all it's awesome classes, Trackdays, Rugby, 7's, 15's, Tri-nation, Seven-nation, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Homebrewing, Motorcycles, Exercise, Sudoku, SEX in it's various forms.

I'd like to meet:

Well, any MotoGP racer for sure. Especially John Hopkins and Colin Edwards as they both seem like a couple of fun guys, Nicky Hayden because he has more work ethic and heart than anyone I've ever seen, and anyone who wants to see Valentino Rossi and Dani Pedrosa beaten. Actually anyone who is even remotely curious about MotoGP, Rugby, or Homebrewing beer. Oh and I have to add that both Vince Vaugh and Jack Black are on my list of peeps to meet.


Really anything works for me, I tend to be partial to heavy alt/rock, but I have country, classical, jazz, funk, pop, hip-hop, electronica, and just about anything else...


Faster, kid's movies (Chicken Little, Shrek, Hoodwinked), Wallace and Gromit, and whatever is on it's way from Netflix


Speed Channel, MotoGP channel, Family Guy and American Dad, CSI, Prison Break, My Name Is Earl, War at Home, Rugby Channel, Court TV, Planet Earth series


Classics, modern fantasy, modern thrillers, really anything that is written well and has enough plot to hold my interest. For sure check out "Guns, Germs, and Steel" good book, "total Rugby" help anyone understand the game. Bernard Cornwell, Robin Hobb, J.K. Rowling, The Thirteenth Tale, The Historian, I could go on and on and....


Erin for sure for all that she deals with from me, my mom and dad for being the people that they are, people out there who do all they can to make a difference without expectation of rewards. Also my racing heroes, Schwantz, Rainey, Lawson, Spencer, Roberts, Chandler, Mert Lawell, Bugsy Mann, Cal Rayburn, and possibly the most gifted person on a motorcycle, Malcom Smith.

My Blog

Today’s date here

Well, I won't lie, I am kinda feeling blue right now, I'm not sure why yet, I'll need a little time for me to process what's going on before I know for sure why I feel the way I do. Now this may not ...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST

Let’s See...

Um... so I HAD a cool job at Slakey's as a truck driver for all of 35 days and I got laid off so... yeah that sucked, but I'm trying to move on from that, though I won't lie money is getting tight. T...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:09:00 PST


So I am feeling like venting, and I am feeling like I am quite a bit of a burden on Erin so I don't want to make her listen... I am trying my best to get my Commercial Diver's License (CDL) and I nee...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 04:39:00 PST

Week 02 Day 01

Okay so I don't think my title is entirely accurate, but it kinda gives me a reference point to take all this from. So after work and dinner last night I went for a run (about 20-30 minutes) with a s...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 06:06:00 PST

Christmas Time

Well as you all know Christmas time is always a rough one for your diet and your waistband, but I think I've done alright this year, I'm sorry i don't have any weight to report, but I will be starting...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 06:00:00 PST

Where I’ve been

Well, sorry about that kids, I have been working at my new job, which rocks!! And I've been pretty tired and a little distracted so I haven't been tracking, but I feel ready to hit it again. I am tr...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:12:00 PST

Days 03 and 04

Well, still alive and heart beating, all good signs, just about to take off for work today. On Saturday I rode my bicycle for 40 minutes and Sunday I really didn't do anything except what was required...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:39:00 PST

Day 02

Okay so here we are, and technically it is day three, but hey this is my journal and it will read how ever I so choose :-P Anywho, I'm still 5'8" and still 24, I weighed in this morning at 213lbs, up...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:44:00 PST

Day 01

So here I go reporting on day one's progress. I am 24, 5'8", and I weighed in at 211.5 lbs yesterday. I had water, and tea through most of the day, no sugar. I had chicken salad that Erin made for ...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 09:29:00 PST

The Next Step

Well, here I am, underemployed but hopeful of getting the job I want, which would be a nice reprieve from the stress I've been feeling lately. Approaching Christmas and needing to figure out how I'm ...
Posted by MotoGP 4 Me on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:44:00 PST