My name is Katherine,My life path is a 22 which is a master number and I'm considered more powerful and wiser of the two master numbers. I'm a master builder and I'm capable of imagining and creating huge networks of friends, and hope to one day improve the life quality of millions of people.I'm an optimistic individual, I'm a clear communicator and try to be eloquent with words.I'm a natural born leader and others willingly follow my direction. I'm usually attractive in appearance. I found my soul mate very early in my life, and plan on staying with him for the rest of my life.I'm brilliant, inventive and above average intelligence. I'm charismatic and inspirational and my life is often filled with appreciative friends. My very presence is reassuring and comforting to others and many seek out my advice and wise words. I could become a spiritual guru by the end of my life.I was not born into wealth and I don't have a great education. I want to excel in life and life life to the fullest.I believe I will have enormous success one day and prestige and maybe even possible fame. I enjoy what I do in life but I'm not so sure I would do it for free....I love being a parent and a wife and a friend and sister and all of that and more.I love music, I love Art, I love the Sunshine and I love great food and love having time to myself to think....From a metaphysical state.. I believe I transform negative energy into postivie energy, and I'm wonderfuly connected to the divine.I am at peace with my subconsious and higher self. I will not be distracted from my chosen path.I'm a secret Rebel. I love to be by myself at times. My body language and facial expressions show it all.
I'm very observant and have so much self expression..This is only part of who I am........That's what my Numerology Chart tells me.... hee hee hee!!!who are you and what are you all about???
I'm trying to figure life out...... It's never too late ya know!Peace!
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