This site is not connected with YoungCare , it is purely a vessel for support and increasing public awareness.
There are currently nearly 7000 young Australians in aged nursing homes.
Some of those are as young 10.
Support YoungCare and help provide a better lifestyle for these young Australians!
Nursing homes are usually seen as part of an aged care package but increasingly there are young people who need the high level of care they can provide. They've suffered catastrophic accidents or the effects of degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Currently, six and a half thousand young Australians are living in nursing homes. You can imagine how hard it is for these young people to live in a facility designed for frail elderly residents.
David Conry's young wife, Shevaune, suffers from multiple sclerosis and can no longer be cared for at home.
Frustrated by the lack of an appropriate alternative, David Conry decided to build his own and has been the driving force behind Young Care, a non-profit foundation, dedicated to improving the quality of residential care for young people. Source: ABC
About the Building:
The issue of providing for young Australians with high care needs is complex and broad. But there must be a starting point.
As a first step, Youngcare has elected to build appropriate housing that will deliver the care and environment required.
The Youngcare apartments will comprise 14 self contained units with kitchen facilities, bedrooms, living areas and private entrances.
Thankfully FKP Pty Ltd was one of the first partners to join Youngcare and take the brave step of addressing this issue. Without their commitment and support this project, and the entire issue, would be a long way behind where it is today.
Youngcare thank FKP for their vision and belief.
The Bigger Picture:
After completing the first apartments, Youngcare will turn it's attention to other locations for housing, and other forms of support and care.
Whilst a place to live and receive the appropriate care is vital, we recognise that there are other needs such as;
-Purpose-built holiday accommodation
-In-home care, as not all people will be ready for, or require 24 hour care
-Assistance with travel
-Respite care for families
Youngcare will continue to raise funds to address this issue and help provide care and dignity to as many young Australians in need as possible.
Chairman's Speech Transcript:
Youngcare director David Conry opened the event with a heartfelt speech explaning why this issue is so important. A transcript of his speech is below.
Thank you for attending and supporting Youngcare and to hear of opportunity where you as an individual and we as a community can demonstrate strong will and inspire a legacy of change.
To help change the way that we look after young Australians in need of high care.
To change the way, that we as a community have failed in the provision of appropriate living for those who are sick and or disabled.
Youngcare is not just a charitable foundation, it is now a cause, and a cause whose time come.
There are many sick young people out there who have dreamt of things that we all take for granted. Those things like studying hard, have a fulfilling working life, to have a fulfilling marriage and to have children.
Or, just the little things, like be able to walk on the beach with their husband.
For many of those people that dream is gone and it is now to be cared for in a dignified way, because they cannot care for themselves. This is very sad.
What is sad and tragic is that when I looked into this due to a personal need I found that through no fault of their own many young Australians today are forced due to illness or injury to live in aged care facilities because we have provided no alternatives.
Nursing homes not relevant or appropriate to someone of their age.
Nursing homes not relevant or appropriate to their specific medical needs.
Nursing homes not relevant or appropriate enough that at the time they need it most, dignified care does not exist.
Currently there are nearly 7000 young people in aged nursing homes across Australia. Some as young 10. A figure that is disturbing.
Tonight Youngcare is excited to announce plans to address the issue. We are to put in place measures that deliver solutions to problems that government and us we as a community have long failed.
By the end 0f 2006 Youngcare,s goal is to have completed a home for 18 young Australians at Jindalee. This will be stage one of a model that can replicated nationally not only by youngcare but those whose vision for Australia is one that provides for the needy, provides for sick, and provides for people crying out for respect.
This care facility for young people will be state of the art in every way, and one that provides care that is appropriate for someone of his or her age.
Is appropriate for the provision care specific to their health needs.
These people are not old but sick and therefore require specialized care that aids their standard of living.
Youngcare Foundation with the money to be raised will build the structure. After a selection process we are to partner with Wesley Mission Brisbane who will provide and fund the sustainable long-term nursing care. Wesley is the largest provider of aged care in Australia and like Youngcare recognize that young people in aged care is wrong.
With Wesley as partners it enables Youngcare to know that this is here for the long term, and that these young people will be cared for by experts.
Youngcare can announce tonight that Wesley Mission Brisbane have generously donated land and the covering of costs of many of related building services, in all close to one million dollars. For this we thank them and applaud the strength in the commitment that they have provided Youngcare in finding this model that creates a path to a solution.
What we build through your support will be more than a home, it will be a house for young people. A community of 18 friends, that promotes fun, dignity, inspiration, hope.
They will not just have in common that they are ill, they will have in common what similar people of their age have in common. Just that, age.
This Youngcare nursing home, will be the first of its type in Australia and to our knowledge anywhere.
Youngcare will oversee the level of care and the maintenance the high living standards deserving of people who should inspire us all.
Youngcare needs to raise 2.5 million dollars to build this state of the art high care nursing home for young people. To achieve this we ask for and need your involvement and that of government.
With the kind assistance of Mal Brough who has been very supportive of Youngcare and the broader issue, I have had meetings with several senior ministers within the Federal government, all of who are aware of the issue and are assisting Youngcare in finding ways to help fund this cause. This will take time and cooperation of all levels of government.
However we cannot and will not wait, hence the vital need for your involvement.
Can I take this opportunity to thank the many people of have worked tirelessly to make this night happen, particularly Simon, Matt and Nick and especially Lyn Russell and Bridget Lockyer and Michelle Cordwell.
I would also like to thank all those who have donated prizes and auction items as well as the food and beverages. Those companies and peoples names can be seen on the screens around the room.
The inspiration initially, for this cause was Shevaune Conry who many of you know.
Shevaune’s situation typifies the problem and brings home to many of us, sadly not all, that she is a person who deserves the best care.
Youngcare is about providing this first home for Shevaune and 17 others, and is also now about creating public awareness of what the broader problem is and addressing it.
There is a quote that says that the grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
In Shevaune we have someone to love, we have something to do and we give her something to hope for.
With that in mind;
I do not ask you tonight to support Youngcare
I Challenge you to.
I challenge you to go away tonight and think of ways that help raise the money, where you can see the final result of where it is spent, and what it will accomplish.
I challenge you to go away and tell the community and all levels of government that this problem exists and is unacceptable.
I challenge you recognize the injustice and help change the community mindset of the disabled, and help leave a legacy of change and make a meaningful and physical difference to young Australian’s who need to be cared for.
This is what Youngcare is about.
This is what Youngcare is committed to do.
And with you the community , this is what Youngcare will deliver."