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I am here for Friends

About Me

I love being with my friends, playing my drums, laughing and Football!. I am a big Liverpool F.C. fan, i feel so blessed to have witnessed Liverpool win the European Cup back in 2005. I love making people happy as there are too many bad apples in this world thriving on making everyone else miserable. My Childhood Nick name was Husky.I have been Gigging with Mojo for 5 1/2 years now and playing drums since I was 14 (self taught) I used to practice on the school drum kit (Colfox School) and try to learn new beats most nights and not knowing what the hell I was doing! 15 years later and I still dont know! I played at a music festival when I was 15 and we won, which was great ! I later gave up when I was 19 (I discovered Beer and Women/ my downfall) and for 3 years wondered why I my life felt so empty (alas - My drums) so my best friend and I tried to get a band together, I practiced everynight for 2 hours and at one stage was in 3 bands, but it got a bit too much so I stayed with Mojo, great band we play lots of classics (Hendix,Guns & Roses,Rolling Stones,Black Crows etc)My love is Metal/Punk Drumming, I would love to be in a Blink 182 Tribute band or a Machine Head tribute band (a bit different style of music but I love them both)Travis Barker of Blink 182/Transplants and Aquabats is my hero, he has been my biggest influence.I work for a company called Huck and I run the Bird Control department,Im in charge of all Sales/Purchasing/Stock Control,Price List/Designing new Catalogues/Adverts/P.R./Always looking for new and Innovative ideas/Training/Traveling the country meeting new and Potential Customers and lots more. Its good fun and I get alot of job satisfaction. I have a Brother Stuart who also lives in Bridport Who is married with 2 Children (George and Alice) and a Sister Lisa who lives in the States who is also married with 2 children (Chloe and Benjamin) and theres me .........! not married and no children, but I plan to have lots of children one day (when the right woman comes along!)Well I think thats about it, so if you want to chat just send me a wee message!!!!!!Early 2005 I had a spontaneous pneumothorax, which means my lung Collapsed for no reason. I was told it is common in young,tall,slim men (good job they didnt say "and ugly" as I would of be a prime candidate!)in the end I had to go to Southampton hospital where they cut out part of my lung. It was not very nice and had 3 months off work,which drove me crazy!. If anyone else has suffered the same condition please contact me and we can compare scares !!.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Freddie Mercury & Travis Barker also any cool people up for a laugh and old friends.

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