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About Me

I am P R E M A , Singer, Songwriter from Berlin, Germany. I present various Arts & Music Projects . Here its all about my MUSIC !
PREMA feat. OHRENSCHMAUS ! In 1997 we recorded 5 eardelicious songs at the Zille Studios in Berlin, the CD and Tape was named OHRENSCHMAUS, and so was the project. The titeltrack was such a earcandy, almost everyone in the audience kept it earwig. Ohrenschmaus supported Indiebands and their fans during the summer. The record release Concert and Aftershowparty at the National Theatre Volksbuehne, Red Salon, was a great succes. Ohrenschmaus and the Band Mundraub, with one of Berlins best Rappers Jot2d2 and Producer Kriz, Lisa Bassenge, DJRunex, DJ Hille, rockt the house.On main stage at the Volksbuehne, Ohrenschmaus supported Jürgen Kuttner, Stereo Total, Poptarts, Karf Röliöm , WIR, Manuel Muerte, Ladybirds, Surrogat,El Gordo &JJ Jones, Martin Menzel , Tottrauriger Henning, Felix Kubin, Mondo Fumatore, Elli aus Friesland u.v. mehr....Before 97, the Musicproject was called PREMANANDIS, a mixture of my first and second name. Nami was writing the cores and arranging , I wrote the words .We had learnd flute, piano, played in the orchester and sang in the choir ,now we learned Guitar, Keybord, Electric Guitar and had also classes in drums. Soon than we got a bandroom. I went to asian shops and bought kidstoyinstruments and manipulated them, until they had a very special trash sound to make good noises.In 1996 I started as a graffiti-artist and got more and more involved in Rap and HipHop. My Project then was called SCHNECKE MC , Schnecke-snail - (germanslang) is a awesome,charming, desirable girl- boys go for. In the dominantly mail Rapscene it was fun to play with the female position. Schnecke MC was feat. by Jot2d2, Kriz and DJ Muhammed from Outsidaz. Schnecke MC produced 5 tracks on the CD and was in concert with Nina from Deichkind, Pyranja, Minky, Lady Sue, Fiva,CoraE, Das Department, Akkani and his Star Eye, 12 Dingo, Stereoton , Foodbag Allstars, Aziza A, and many more.The actual project I am working on is PREMAs POESIEALBUM , a collection of my 12 best songs from the last 3 years , with influences from travels to Sao Paulo, Barcelona, Ibiza, Cyprus, Swissalps, South of France, England and my Hometown Berlin. We are now recording in the Brighton Studios.I will release my POESIEALBUM in the summertime, and plan to do an 10 years celebration of HAUPTSTADTGRUF/CAPITALGROOVE in 9/07.
Ich bin PREMA, lebe in Berlin und Brighton, UK und arbeite in verschiedenen Kunst- und Musikprojekten. Hier dreht sich alles um meine MUSIK!
Vor 97 gab es uns schon als PremAnandis, eine Mixtur aus meinem ersten und zweiten Namen. Wir probten und übten...ob das nun der Klavierunterricht war, das neue Keybord ausprobiert wurde, das Schlagzeug trotz Wohnzimmeruntauglichkeit in der Innenstadt jeden Tag probiert wurde, EGitarre,Bass und immer mehr Verstärker angeschlossen wurden. PremAnandis hatte die erste 1000er Auflage CD in 96 ,mit Live-Gigs im OKB ,Auftritte ,kleine Verträge. Wir konnten aufs Orchester und den Chor zurückgreifen, auf die anderen Bands aus dem Proberaum, wenn wir Verstärkung für Auftritte brauchten, grundbeständig waren wir Prema und Nami, 2 Schwestern.OHRENSCHMAUS ging 97 im März ins Studio und wurde ein Erfolg. Das Record Release Konzert mit der anschliessenden Party im Roten Salon mit MUNDRAUB - das sind der Rapper JOT2d2, der Producer KRIZ und Lisa Bassenge als Sängerin rockte mit so unglaublichen Songs wie: Keine Frau kein Geschrei (no woman no cry) die Allianz,(aus der später wegen Markenschutzproblemen der "echten" Allianz (Versicherung) die Band ohne Namen wurde) der Oldschooler RUNEX, DJ HILLE, wurde das Haus gerockt.OHRENSCHMAUS war mit Jürgen Kuttner, Stereo Total, Poptarts, Karf Röliöm , WIR, Manuel Muerte, Ladybirds, Surrogat, El Gordo &JJ Jones, Martin Menzel , Tottrauriger Henning, Felix Kubin, Mondo Fumatore,Elli aus Friesland und einigen mehr auf der großen Bühne der Volksbühne bei den Festen mit Freunden.
An alle unsere Fans und Freunde, Bekannte und Gäste ! Ohrenschmaus wird 10 Jahre feiern in 2007! Mehr dazu bald!
I present to You my new clip: "With the musique "!
It is one poem in my new studiowork:" POESIE- ALBUM", coming out soon.
All poetries, music, singing, rapping ,and design by Prema aka SuPrema.
Thanks to Namistyle for the sounddesign and the final cut.
with the musique - rap
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PremaKetch up !!!!
Add to My Profile | More VideosA video by Prema about Prema aka SuPrema !
Thanks to Namistyle for the sounddesign and the final cut.
Brighton, Febr. 07

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2006
Band Website: www.myspace.com/ohrenschmaus & www.premarts.de
Band Members: Prema & Nami
Influences: various- very many . First of all- in small age- visiting classical concerts and operas , soon than all the musicans that came by in our home, and when I was more interested to see their rehersals and shows and aftershowpartys. Listening to new records from all genre was really listening and talking about at home, not just putting it on and doing something else. I was always impressed when musicans talked about working independend and the best reasons for it. Musicians like Alec Empire and Atari Teenage Riot, Gina from Cobra Killer, Pilipp Virus, Moonraker, TOM Product, all of Milleplateaux, including the Boss Achim Szepanski, DJ Rush, DJ Spooky, also the Krautrockszene, like Manuel Götsching, Ashra Temple, Faust, and specially their french Stagedesigner Jean, Rocko Moreno from Amon Düll 1 in Munich, with his 7 Vans full of Musictapes and Instruments, and our visits in Oskar Salas studios when he showed us always something new......Influences where all the concerts I had the chance to attend, like Kraftwerk, the Fall, all of Pudelclub big shows,Thomas Köner ,Max Eastley and Portorix Soundsystem, New asian cool Acts, Funny van Dannen, Stereolab, Mouse on Mars, Stereo Total, Terre Teamlitz when he prepared at our home someweelong his Version of Kraftwerk , Tocotronic, Die Sterne, and the very special Silversterboy Schorsch Kamerun..... Alternative Music , Independence, was very present , my sister Nami was very much in composing and understanding the technical part of it, she loved the studios, the musciprograms on computers a lot, while I got kidstoyinstruments from asian trash shops and manipulated them till they sounded very strange and noisy. Thats when we began together our own style, we started our very special Ohrenschmaus -Eardelicious-sounds and that was the time, we started to be invited for supports, lots of fun.german: viele... Zunächst die Musiker die bei uns ein und aus gingen. Alec Empire und damals Atari Teenage Riot, Gina von Kobra Killer, Philipp Virus, Moonraker, TOM, Milleplateaux (die ganze Bandbreite von Elektronischer Musik/Philosophie), Faust und der ganze Krautrock mit Manuel Götsching, Rocko Moreno von Amon Düll1, die Konzerte von the Fall, Beasty Boys , Stereo Lab, Mouse on Mars,Thomas Köner,wochenlang zuhause Terre Teamlitz am Kraftwerk Album, ,dann bei Kraftwerk selbst, der komplette Pudelclub,Tocotronic, Die Sterne, 5 Sterne Deluxe, immer wieder Funny van Dannen, ganz viel Besuche bei Oskar Sala im Studio, alles was uns zu Ohren kam, beeinflusste, bis wir uns sagten: so jetzt machen wir unseren eigenen OHRENSCHMAUS.
Sounds Like: "OHRENSCHMAUS" its..." Eardelicious ", like "EarCandy" .... my other Musicprojects are more HipHop, R&B, Pop, Alternative, Indie
Record Label: PremLive- incl.Promotion & Distribution

My Blog

Art Workshop-Factory & Gallery Space in the Center of Berlin

PREMARTS is a space in Berlin for Musicians working interdisciplinary, also doing Fine Arts, Multimedia , Performance, Sculpture, Photographie .......It is possible to work in PremArts sometime to pre...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 01:12:00 GMT