pArTyiN'..dAtZ mY liF3, tRaV3LiN, cAmPiNg, sNoWbOaRdin', cLubzz aNd g3ttiN mAh gRoov3 oN, ShOppIn @ Ab3rCrOmBi3 & fItCh AnD Am3RiCaN 3aGl3, pLaYiN pOoL, fAsT cArS, cHill3n w/ mah bOyZ n GuRlz, GuLpiNg dAt cOroNa; eAtiNg st3aK, dA cuRrY hOuz, cl3aNinG mY rOOm, dA colOr r3d aNd y3LloW,,mY hUsbAnD,,hIs liPs,eYes,and daT booTy,,I meanT boDy,,SexY,,hehe..ManY MaNy MoR3...=)
I MET HIM..his name is BRIAN and he is the ONE i've been waiting for my whole entire life..I LOVE HIM very much..aside from that i really want to meet god in person..i may not be religious and all,,but spiritually i am..i have lots of questions to ask him..i aslo want to meet my long lost friends from pi and her in the us..but most of them i've found..thanks for the inventors of friendster and my want to meet kristen kreuk, angelina jolie, and orlando bloom..damn..they're hot..
rap & r&b ..sumtim3z Alt3rNaTiv3 and some rock..
A wAlK 2 r3m3mB3r, oRiGiNaL sIn, Da RiNg, XXX, ++++, sAv3 Th3 LaSt DaNc3, cRaZy BeAuTiFuL, mAiD iN MaNhAttAn, cRaDl3 tO dA gRav3, kiLL biLL, Th3 cOr3, bAdBoYz 2, FiNaL d3sTiNaTiOn 2, Th3 LaSt SaMuRaI, , , hOn3Y, , tOrQu3, pAssIon Of the ChrisT, yOu Got SerVed
sMaLLviLLe, FrI3nDz, TaRzAn, Da SiMpSoNz, f3aR fAcToR
i DoN't ReAd BooKz..I g3t sL33pY mOsT oF dA Tym3!!!
BRIAN GARLIN...he is my hero,,my "robocop".he saved me from falling....