my girls in far away cities. tacos. roadtrips. music. pina coladas. seattle. clothes. shoes.
anyone who knows how to play "your team"
no drama, and no vital attachments to the internerd, please. acceptance. a death for every sin. a-dubs. anthrax. atmosphere. bane. blink 182. carry on. champion. chris brown. christina milian. comeback kid. converge. count me out. dbs. death threat. def leppard. dre. drive by punch. face to face. frank sinatra. get up kids. ghostface killah. go it alone. goo goo dolls. hatebreed. h20, hollow ground. in my eyes. jurassic 5. madball. morrissey, mos def. motley crue. new found glory. no use for a name. no warning. one of these days. outbreak. poison. port amoral. punishment. rocky votolato. saves the day. skid row. social d. stay gold. story of the year. ten yard fight. the faint. the first step. the killers. the police. the promise. the smiths. third eye blind. tom petty. trial. unbroken. waxwing.
Garden State, American Dreams, Goodfellas, Deuces Wild, Kids, Lost Boys, Wanderers, Outsiders, Fight Club, Pirates, Casino, Empire Records, High Fidelity, Breakfast Club, Basketball Diaries, Bio Dome, Son In Law, Legally Blonde, Just Friends, LOTR, Sixteen Candles, Napoleon Dynamite, The Life Aquatic, FUBAR & Mean Girls
Buffy. Angel. Prison Break. Smallville. One Tree Hill. Charmed. What Not To Wear. The OC. I honestly rarely watch TV.
The Count of Monte Cristo. Don't sleep with your drummer. The Catcher In The Rye. Ham On Rye. Slaughter House-Five. Breakfast of Champions. The Metamorphisis. Lullaby. The Maltese Falcon. High Fidelity. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. The Dirt: Motley Crue Bio. mostly Vonnegut
Brandie Bailey & Sean Thickson
And Andrew WK, for being the only person to pull off white jeans.