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I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I did end up where I intended to be. Hi all... My name is Jeff Seehafer.Thank you for viewing my site.I am a Singer,Songwriter,Musician. I play Electric guitar synthesizer and Bass guitar.. When I was 14 yrs.old. I had Allman Brothers and Hendrix albums in one arm and a cheep-axe Stratocaster lookin thing in the other. After I heard the likes of...Carlos,Gilmour,Becker n Fagan...I knew what I wanted to do. I also figured out early on that I could play and sing at the same time...ooooh! ''What a concept''So after all these years and all those gigs and cover-tunes,trials,tribulations,detours,slings and arrows.............I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I did end up where I intended to be. I give you my first... ''Curve of Descent'' I play and arrange all of the instruments myself thru two guitar processors. Dave Burtzos... on Drums NOW AVAILABLE at Napster,, Apple iTunes and 27 other download stations. Ringtones available from Verizon. Also I would like to thank every one involved in making this project a reality and everyone else in my life for fueling the fires. My Daughter Nichole,who sings backup Vocals on Under the Radar and all of her friends that support on the CD Baby link and preview 2 min.of each tune! Thanks so much for checkin us out. CDBABY LINK for JEFF SEEHAFER: CURVE OF DESCENT --> > ......REVIEWS...I am blown away by how tight musically it is from start to finish, and as far as critiques I honestly don't have much to say. There are places where the vocals are a bit drowned by the brass or synth, but they are few and far between and upon further listening I probably wouldn't even notice. Everything fits for me. I could jam along with this album for hours on end. A very creative and Original album track by track and the talent on the synth and composition is staggering.A job Very, Very well done. ...Josh. REVIEWS FROM CD BABY.......... The bluzy groove calms me down. This is really good to listen to on the way home after a really BAD day at work. ...Marge.......... Funky at times... easy to listen to Very nice arrangements. At times is has a John Mayer feel to it. All that on one guitar?? WOW Nice work. ...George B...........I LOVE IT ! First Kiss is my favorite. Angelica.........Nice rock n blues groove The music sounds like Matchbox 20 went to New Orleans and got some mojo.The vocals are on the fence. Joey L. ...........Classic... Easy to listen to. The songs have a classic rock style with a modern sound and it's easy to listen to as well.I also enjoy the horn arrangements....Well done. Tony M............SMOOTH First thought was sounds like some older Boz Scaggs. Very smooth, easy to listen to. Chuck B. .............Cool lyrics love the horns and solo on first kiss I like the little hooks.I can hear a bit of Steely Dan with the Gilmour guitar and a hint of Sting but he has his own style for sure. Allan ............. It is great, wonderful lyrics, mixed w/ a great sound. Wonderful, it is like listening to a record from the old days, but it has a great new style and an origional sound. If u like good music, listen to this! 'Robert'

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My Blog

C.R. Sonics.

Well it only took about 14 months to figure out how to work all this gear I've been playin with and incorporate with my music. I do however have a new found respect for all those tweek heads out there...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 16:02:00 GMT

Cryptic Liaisons part whatever....

Cryptic Liaisons part  whatever....  The main focus of these updates is to keep my friends updated as to the progress of this sophomoric album I've been working on for way too long and to share what I...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 17:38:00 GMT

C.L update...

Hi all and thank you for droppin in. In review,,. C.L. was originally delayed due to the additions of high-end outboard gear,plug-in's and editing software to our studios. It was b...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 20:45:00 GMT

Cryptic Liaisons progress report Pt.3

This evenings edition of Cryptic Liaison's progress report Pt.3 will revolve around the fact that it's scheduled release date is now rescheduled. No.... I swear I won't give you the Prancing Pony excu...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 15:41:00 GMT

C.O.D. Streaming at Napster

''Curve of Descent''... Streamin at Napster. Top sellers are... The Real You, First Kiss and All for the Money.Go give em a listen if you dare. In fact... I dare you. I double-dog dare you. Also...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:54:00 GMT

Cryptic Liaison’s progress report Pt. 2

Hi AllIn our first blog installment of Cryptic Liaisons there were echo's of Razor blades n lemon-lime. Enter...House of Dreams. These two songs..thus far have taken me to totally different landscapes...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:08:00 GMT

Lyrics to ’’Curve of Descent’’

Hi All I don't know what the deal is but today I had three on the in-box and two in the search list at CD Baby lookin for lyrics to Curve of Descent. If ya go to my blog and look back to March 07 and ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:42:00 GMT

Cryptic Liaisons progress report.

Hi AllSeveral of our friends are wondering how were makin out on our 2nd album, so here it is in a nutshell.Basically none of the tunes are truly considered finished until we finalize the firing order...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 19:44:00 GMT

This Review is rated R

Hi AllA couple of days ago we sent some copies of Curve of Descent to a friend in Vegas just for an objective opinion. I copied the e-mails to post here. Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to brag or ha...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 15:20:00 GMT

Top Friend Rotation.

Hi AllI want to take a moment to say that there are a lot of very talented people here and I'm sure we all share the same passion. After the passion the 1 thing to do is obtain exposure. Right? ...rig...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:57:00 GMT