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My Interests

I'd like to meet:


1 )  Me llamo Ariz.

2) Adoro el refresco de Naranja.

3) Me gusta que la gente escriba correctamente y sin faltas de ortografía.

4) Me encantan los libros, podría pasarme el día entero en una biblioteca solo para seguir sintiendo su olor:).

5) Soy una mamonsita: adoro el sarcásmo y el humor negro.

6) No tengo cuerpo de "top model", pero a mi esposa le gusta y eso a mi me basta.

7) Me gusta hacer amigos, aunque amigos reales, solo tengo unos pocos.

8) Me gusta que me hagan reír y hacer reír a la gente.

9) Soy rara y freak, así me gusta vivir.

10) Amo a Tim Burton y a Johnny Depp, algun día Tim nos casará a mi y a mi esposa.

11) Amo twilight, sin embargo no soy poser. Soy de las primeras fans que surgieron. Mucho antes de la película yo ya había acabado "Breaking Down" o sea "Amanecer". Twilight tiene un significado muy profundo y emotivo para mi y para mi esposa que nadie más podría comprender y menos igualar.

12) Me gustaría ser amiga de Peeves, Fred y George Weasley, Luna Lovegood y Kreacher(aunque el puto hizo algo muy malo i.i) (hablo de Harry Potter, no soy una freak de Hp, pero me esta gustando mucho♥)

13) 13 es el día en el que me casé, y sigo siendo la chica-uke más feliz del universo=).

About me (English version):


· I like to have tons of friends, I have a few real ones tough. I love the rain and since 13 august 2008 I like it even more 'cause there was tons of drops of rain when I got married... Yes, I'm married and I feel like the most luckiest girl in the world. Please remember this, noone can tear us apart, trust me, a lot of people havetried, and all of them failed.

I love to laugh!, please, please make me laugh till I pee on my pantsxDD. I love to make make laugh people too, Im a cute girl, with sarcastic humor, Im a really pretty kitty♥.

I love book, I want to study literature when I go to college:). Im from México, but it's ok if you ask, I know you didn't read my profile tough.

Im fucking perfect;). But sometimes I get blue respect of my mind or my body, either ways I have a perfect wife who makes me happy again:FF.

 Addme = Talk to me... C'mon! so why did you add me then??♥


Have you ever known a person that, everytime you look into her eyes you see a reason to stay alive?Have you ever felt with that person, when you kiss her like there's nothign else in nothing but you and her?Have you ever promise someone that youll protect her frm anything and everyday you wake up, you remember that promise and youre sure that youll protect her? forever?Have you ever felt so tiny and at the same time so imprtant and loved when you are in someone's arms?I bet most of you don't, but... I have my dream come true, and I can say that Ill never gonna let her.She's the most perfect girl I've ever known, every second with her it's definetly a treassure for me.There's no better palce than her sweet and warm arms. Where ever I go I can trust that she is there by my side, 'cause she's my destiny, she loves me, and she trully cares about me.I've never felt this way before and I can't wait for the day we finally run and forget all our nightmares.I mean there's tons of songs that for one moment can describe my feelings for her, or what she means to me but suddenly she makes something reaaaally cute and perfect and everything changes, all that song has a different meanning; bigger and stronger and I wanna scream and hug her, and kiss, and tell her how much I love her. So many things that hardly fit in my body... But... But then she gives another perfect kiss and then...All that song envolved the air in a big explosion.♥


My Blog

My Wedding | Mi boda

~ It was perfect; once again, I married wiht my beautiful princess. I will remember that day for the rest fo my life; her words and all those kisses before that daye _________________________________...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 09:52:00 GMT