Being myself. i will not change for anybody. if i did i would be fake. fake is bad. i like spending summer evenings with my pony. cantering across the fields without a care in the world. i like to make the most of every situation. i like to see the beauty in every thing, however i am yet to decide what beauty actually is.
The people i have had the pleasure of meeting make me think; i see new new ways of doing things when i am with them. they make me smile; make every day worth waking up to. i would like to say they love me for who i am. they are the people who make me cry with laughter, even at the silliest of things. they understand me, maybe more than i understand myself.
i like films that have meanings. films that make you think about life or provoke feelings and situations.
Jonathon Livingston Seagull By Richard Bach. I want everyone to read this book. if i had endless copies i would send it to you. but i dont. unfortunatly.
Claire- she is my best friend. my life and soul. without her i would be nothing. she has helped me through so much and i would like to think if she ever needs help i would put my life on the line for her. she has helped shapped me, helped make me in to who i am and for that i am forever gratefull.