x-x TRIXIE x-x profile picture

x-x TRIXIE x-x

Yepp yepp!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comWOOOP WOOOP Hi everyone im vicky, most of u no me by vicky vick vicksta of even tinks! lol dont ask my best mate named me it! about me... well there really isnt alot to say just that im always up for a laugh n a good time! i love goin out at weekend with my lovely mates i love u all girlies, especialy u lauren, love u too bits! oh yeh and cant forget all the new members to our ravin nights out! PRICE ADS N LEEEEEEE lol

My Interests

Drinkin, clubbin havin a good old with my ravers at the weekend u no who u r! love u all very much! xx CHECK OUT MY REALLY BAD PIST UP RECORDIN XCUSE THE LANGUAGE! HAHA

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! Are You a Good Kisser?

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

I'd like to meet:

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MySpace Avatars Lyrics

V is for Visionary
I is for Influential
C is for Crazy
K is for Keen
Y is for Yummy What Does Your Name Mean?


i like al sorts, anything that gets me on the dance floor i suppose

MySpace Avatars Lyrics


MySpace Avatars Lyrics

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

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MySpace Avatars Lyrics

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

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Myspace Layouts


Lyrics ..
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Myspace Layouts ITS ACTUALLY ME!
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