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My Interests

Film's my thing. i write em, i make em, i act in em and i watch more than your average fanatic. i'm gonna be uploading the shorts i've made in the near future so come back soon and check em out. i'm also in to comics, books, theatre, travelling, sketching, painting and a lot of music. oh yeah, and an anime series called Cowboy Bebop (a genre in itself) which i urge anyone with a modicom of taste to watch. it's about a small crew of bounty hunters in 2073 jetting around and generally kicking ass to an incredible soundtrack, the producer of which (Yoko Kanno) is a small japanese genius with a penchant for blues, jazz and funk with a smattering of japanese pop. seriously, this shit is my life right now. ..

I'd like to meet:

a kung fu master willing to teach me his secrets.


I'm listening to wide range of stuff, from blues, jazz and funk to Hip Hop, rock, ska and punk. right now i'm listening to The Clash, Mad Caddies, Capdown, Proppellerheads, Luke Vibert, Ugly Duckling, Beastie Boys, DJ Format, Oscar Peterson, Miles Davis and of course Bebop.


There are too many films i love more than my life to list, so i'll mention a few directors that float my boat: Dario Argento, Sam Raimi, John Carpenter, Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, Michel Gondry, Chris Nolan, John Landis, Francis Ford Coppola, Osron Welles, Francois Truffaut, Jean Luc Goddard, Howard Hawks, Hideo Miyazaki, Park Chan Wook, John Woo, Sergio Leone, there's more but i think i should stop.


As a rule television sucks ass, a couple of exceptions would be anything by Chris Morris, Simon Pegg, Steve Coogan and of course the legend Ray Mears. technically Cowboy Bebop was a television series but i first saw it on DVD so it doesn't count. it's better than that. way better. like more than you can comprehend. ok?!


If graphic novels count as books, and i think they definately do, my favourites would be anything by Frank Miller, Transmetropolitan, just about every Batman book (especially Killing Joke, Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, Haunted Knight and the Hush series). as for books, favourites include 1984, Catch 22, The Beach, Don Quixote, Kingdom of Fear, Camera Lucida, Guerilla Filmmaker's Handbook and i've just come across a book called Killer Camera Rigs You Can Build Yourself which is pretty self explanatory and a must for budget filmmakers.


Spike from Bebop obviously, Ray Mears, Hunter S. Thompson, Bruce Campbell, Steve McQueen, and Sam Raimi for showing us jsut what a camera, a lot of fake blood and a weird sense of humour can achieve.