True Gunner in everyway that is Arsenal Fc
..Friends are the angels who lift us up when our wings has forgotten how to fly.!
I have had a random life so far but its all about taking life on da chin for me! So many stories so little time. I'm pretty selfless, i'm confident and i see myself as a peoples person. I'm real, i dont front i dont trip and i'm just me. What u see is what u get. But there is more than that. My life has been a life with many lessons. I've become stronger for it and more knowledgable by it from experiences i hav seen or have learned. I always try to do what i feel in my heart to do. Too many people see it as a brain thing... People think far too much when what they should be doing is following their own heart. I dont believe in fate! I dont because i like to think i make my own choices in life and fate doesnt control me. What i do in life will turn out to be my destiny... a destiny chosen by me. None of this fate business is really true to me!
Im in a stage in my life now where i am fighting successfully for things i want outta life. But at the same time life can be a real bitch... if you let it treat you that way then it will always be! U gotta have positives vibes in life or you die out making only the strong survive. I got a lot of love for everyone who is real. Im happy but there are many things i have to achieve before i am really happy... well happy enough as i dont believe in true happiness but being as happy as i want to be!
In this life i live and no one will live it for me. Fear is not a factor, i am the factor.! I will carry on caring and helping others because that is who i am. But beware if anyone takes advantage of my trust they will feel a full thrust my wrath of Karma.! Back in the day i would just knock em da hell out... but i have grown to realize that Karma has always been on my side and will be on all sides that are good and true!
Dont judge me because of what i see but instead why not try and get to know me! mY Myspace is my space but Titus is the real me