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Alreet!!Well quickly, im a friendly, confident, ambitious, outgoing kind of chap thats always up for a laugh! Bit of a Jack the lad and a cheeky laddie. Ive been a right jammy b*****d at times as my mates will probably agree. I seem to be good at finding money on the floor too. ............................................................ .................................. Im 24 and live in Huddersfield at the mo. Huddersfield has been good to me but now Im ready to move on! Spent 7 months in Oz 2 years ago and that was the dogs! I will get back there one day for a hol or maybe for good! (To marry a Ozy girl would be nice, ha ha) Australia has got so much to offer and lets face it England is going down the pan. Immigrants,Political correctness, tax, speed cameras, British born suicide bombers etc etc... But hey lets not go there and for the record Im not xenophobic. If anyone ever thinks about going traveling DO IT it really is as good as its pipped up to be! Any advice on Oz give me a shout. ............................................................ ................................... Ive finaly got myself on the property ladder and bought a apartment with my Bro in Horsforth Leeds. Its mint but I rent (dont tell the bank!) it out for the first 12 months spending too much out on a sesh at the mo! ............................................................ .................................... I work for Coca Cola as a production planner in Wakey which is the biggest soft drinks factory in the world! bit of info for ya there (geek). I spend most of my day mid week smashing my head on the keyboard due to constant issues out of my control! Then spend all of my weekend getting smashed on it with my mates. Live for the weekend basically. But thats slowly turing into Wednesday nights in Huddersfield and Thursdays in Habit leeds haha oh dear! Favourite night out is Leeds which is pretty much every week, Loads of bars and clubs to choose from. Favourite ones are Fibre (Love a courtyard party), Stinkys, Glasshouse, Space Habit & Funky Dory, Speed Queen and Fed now and then. But if its red hot! Sat outside the Oracle, Airebar also love it in the beer garden in the oak headingley! Cant beat a trip over to the Warehouse Project in Manc too! ............................................................ ............................... Im February of 2008 I started a after hours club night in Huddersfield Called 'Back2space' with my mate Peter pan. AKA Jags. He really is the boy that doesn't want to grow up, well dont know if he doesn't want to, just hasn't haha. He lives for today and enjoys life to the max! Cant fault him! Its house music we but on from Dirty, sexy, jakin electro, old skool and recently Tech minimal!! Basically we bring Leeds to Hudds for a night. Luckily for us its started with a bang and has gone from strength to strength. It starts in Tokyo at 3:15am through to 9am Sunday morning. Our first night we had 750 through the doors. Second event 950 and in the summer held a huge outdoor/indoor 16 hour event which attracted just short of 2000 people!! Of which we are very greatful to everyone of them! The next one is booked for October 18th. You never know we could be in Ibiza in a few years haha. That would be good! My favourite party place!!Pics
Back2Space at Storthes Hall
The Back2space Summer Special August 30th 2008