Late night Wall ball tournaments.
Smashing stuff with intenseness.
Shredding tiny strings.
Augmented fourths/Dissonance chords.
Sweeping Arpeggios.
Hours of listening to music.
Driving for hours listening to music.
My friends are my life.
Trying not to be absolutely over-analytical.
Tea leafs.
Thai food.
Lebanese food.
Not capitalizing my i's
A boy - I am getting off this ship.
The Friend - (With a puzzled look, questions the boy with winkles on his forehead).
A boy - Cat got your tongue?
The Friend - Uh, no? I'm glad. But all of a sudden?
A boy - HmmMmm
The Friend - Hehe My man thats aces!
The boy- I gotta see something down there.
The Friend - What?
A boy - The ocean.
The Friend - You are pulling my leg. You have seen nothing but the ocean since the day you were born.
A boy - Yea but from here, i want to see it from there. It is not the same at all.
The Friend - Wait till we dock. Lean over the side and take a good look. It is the same thing.
A boy - No it is not. From land you can here it's voice. You don't hear that from the ship.
The Friend - Well what do you mean it's voice?
A boy - It's voice. Its like, a big scream. Telling you that life is immense and once you finally heard it then you really know what you have to do to go on living. I can stay here forever. The ocean would never tell me a thing but if get off and live on land for a couple years then i can be normal just like the others. Then maybe one day i can make it to the coast, look up and see the ocean and hear it's scream.
The Friend -I don't know who has been telling you all this bullshit or if you are just making it up but you want to know what i think? i think the real reason you want off this ship is the girl. Its always the girl. But even it it is not the reason that suits me just fine because I have always wanted you to leave this ship. And play for the people on land and marry a nice women and have children and all those things that are not immense but are worth the effort.
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
It Could Happen to You
Saving Silverman
Kill Bill (1&2)
Vanilla Sky
Big Fish
Army of Darkness
Howard the Duck
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Silent Hill
High Fidelity
The Muppets
Jaw Breaker
Shaun of the Dead
Grind House
You Got Mail
Lilo & Sitch
The Descent
The Crow
Gremlins (1&2)
Little Miss Sunshine
Punch-Drunk Love
The Office
The Daily Show
The Muppet Show
Picasso at the Lapin Agile
The Driver
The Stranger
The Handy Physics Guide
A Brief History of Time
Tao Te Ching
World War Z
The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
A love so singular it knew no opposite.