movies, reading, music, hanging out with friendz, eatting and, of course, meeting new friendz!!
any1 who wanna meet me!!
pop, r&b, hip-hop, jazz...actually, luv to listen to all dat do not irritate my ears or put me to bed easily.. language='javascript' src=''.... language='javascript'var api=VE_getPlayerAPI('1.1');api.embedPlayer(' ERwSU', 450, 340, false, '', 'FFFFFF',false, 'transparent');..
really luv "Sliding door", "Patch Adam", "Something gotta give", "Love actually" and many many more like romantic-comedy-thriller-action flix...enjoy seeing movies!!
so in luv with "Sex and the City" and also others, but cant pick some coz i watch 'em all
some kinda philosophy for life, pocket books, magazines. actually, i luv to read all
my King - Long live the King , and my parents - really luv u guys xx