.:ThiS is aLL i'Ve gOt, taKe iT oR LeAve it:. profile picture

.:ThiS is aLL i'Ve gOt, taKe iT oR LeAve it:.

I am here for Friends

About Me

NothiNg muCh aBouT me...jUst aN oRdiNarY gaL liKe oThers. i m vErY LiL' gaL tO diS cRazY worLd. aNyWay, i m sTroNg eNouGh to gEt tHrU tHosE sHiT. rEallY luV to haNg ouT wiTh fRienDz, tRavelinG, rEading, eaTinG, liStenIng to mUsiC...blA Bla bLa. aCtuaLLy, i dO eNjoY evEry daMn tHinG iN mY liFe eXcePt sOme1 tRy to rUin it. aNd dAt s gOnNa tUrn mE tO bE a biTcH ; P bTw, i deFiniTeLy hAs soMetHinG hiDdEn...sO dAt s waT u haVe tO fiNd oUt uR-seLf...buT it s Up tO u aNywaY.? LiTtLe d3ViL Plaa ?Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

movies, reading, music, hanging out with friendz, eatting and, of course, meeting new friendz!!

I'd like to meet:

any1 who wanna meet me!!


pop, r&b, hip-hop, jazz...actually, luv to listen to all dat do not irritate my ears or put me to bed easily.. language='javascript' src='http://update.videoegg.com/js/Player.js'.... language='javascript'var api=VE_getPlayerAPI('1.1');api.embedPlayer('hi5.022.download .videoegg.com/gid370/cid1275/1I/DS/11616284957p5hySGP1naAkUe ERwSU', 450, 340, false, '', 'FFFFFF',false, 'transparent');..


really luv "Sliding door", "Patch Adam", "Something gotta give", "Love actually" and many many more like romantic-comedy-thriller-action flix...enjoy seeing movies!!


so in luv with "Sex and the City" and also others, but cant pick some coz i watch 'em all


some kinda philosophy for life, pocket books, magazines. actually, i luv to read all


my King - Long live the King , and my parents - really luv u guys xx