MiMeE(^_^) profile picture


hYe u aLL.......

About Me

hye...i'm mimi...a hepi go lucky girlz... i like to have many frenz...friendly lew...kalu nak taw lbih2 bout me,juz adD me...n be my frenz k... hee.. MySpace Layouts
emily the strange layout

My Interests

muSic bOOk cOmpuTer

I'd like to meet:

someOne who is really honest...sOmeOne who is so unDerstAndinG...someOne is so fUnny...anybody who wants to knOw me.... :


any kind of mUsiC rAdjA sOfAz sAmSoNs hiLLary dUFF mozaRt gAraSi


hIgH sChooL mUsiCal rAisE Your vOiCe enDLess sToRy dIsnEy cHanneL OriGinaL mOvies a cIndEreLla sTory garasi aGent cOdy Banks all sPy kiDs mOvies ada apa dengan cinta 30 hari mencari cinta koi mil gaya mujhse dosti karoge


cHarmed dEvils bEhinD yOu sMaLLviLLe saSSy gIrlz.. koRean DRama cHinEse DraMa


mAskEret cInta ComiC IT bOok magAzines


dun haVe yEtt...