The Michigan Humane Society's Mission: To end companion animal homelessness, to provide the highest quality service and compassion to the animals entrusted to our care, and to be a leader in promoting humane values.This was copied word for word from their web page . Hmm ... lets disect this . "To end companion animal homelessness" ( well if a pit bull is dead I suppose its not homeless ) "to provide the highest quality service and compassion to the animals entrusted to our care" ( highest quality service for a pit bull = euthanasia , COMPASSION where is the compassion in killing an animal only because of its breed . ) "to be a leader in promoting humane values" ( humane values , what values its not been proven that all pit bulls ae dangerous not even the majority , any animal can be dangerous . --------------------------------------------------------Dog Bite Statistics are unreliable sources of information regarding the "viciousness" or dangerousness of breeds for the following reasons:1) Very few people can accurately identify dog breeds.2) Breeds are not listed individually, but rather under group headings. For instance, under the heading "pit bull", you will find no less than 3 distinct breeds, mixes of any of those three breeds, any dog that appears to be one of those breeds, plus any misidentified dogs. And make no mistake, dogs get misidentified all the time. There is a case of an Akita attack that was reported as a "pit bull attack" in the media. This author's dogs have been mistaken for Boxers, Bulldogs, and yes, one was even mistaken for an Akita. Just about any Pit Bull owner can tell you of many cases where their dog has dealt with a case of mistaken identity.