Eric profile picture


Short, Round, Sexcellent

About Me

Who The Fuck Am I?

I like unsweetened iced tea and moments of clarity.

Sometimes I'm happy just to be breathing.

I dumb out.

I'm going to stop giving advice to people. I've thrown my two cents in too many times, and now I'm broke.

One day I'm going to write a book about Beijing. It'll be called, "Where the Fuck Am I?" Underneath it will say, "What Am I Doing Here?"

I don't have a gun

For every ten people who are clipping at the branches of evil, you're lucky to find one who's hacking at the roots. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)
If you browsed my page, and decided to add me as a friend, please take the time to introduce yourself.

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My Interests

Sex Drugs Rock'n'Roll and Girls ..

I'd like to meet:

I don't want to meet anyone. You disgust me. I'm afraid I'm gonna puke, and drop something natural somewhere, and it's going to grow into another piece of shit like you. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Everything that doesn't suck.
You Are a Freedom Rocker!
You're stuck in the 70s - for better or worse
Crazy hair, pot soaked clothes, and tons of groupies
Your kind showed the world how to rock
Is that freedom rock?... Well turn it up man! What Kind of Rocker Are You?


The one where I was rescued by a robot from the future.
You Have A Type A- Personality
A- You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds Do You Have a Type A Personality?


Stella Comedy, Sopranos, Dead Wood


A lot of different kinds. i'm not gonna bend to fit society i'm not gonna remove what's inside of me money's your god. it's got no hold of me a puppet on a string, is all your ever gonna be their gonna destroy what we worked so hard to create a subculture of conciousness against the borguois society state a slave i never want to be a part of your society wake up see the conspiracy, can't you see you're not free you ain't never gonna be punk's not dead, it never will be if we keep the corporate shit out of the scenery your money, your suit, your tie doesn't impress me the media's corrupting the scene, but they can't touch me keep punk pure, keep punk true, beat your ass in, your black and blue take your money, shove it up your ass, ain't sellin' punk for cash alternatives big, corrupting the scene, major labels makin green i ain't gonna sell it, i ain't gonna buy it as long as their in the scene, i'm gonna fight it don't support the bands that sell it, they think their shit don' stink, i smell it i wanna see those fuckers bleed bullet in their head is what they need time to take back the scene that we made rise up, wise up don't let the scene fade


Bruce Lee. They're putting up a stutue of him in fucking Bosnia.Che, because he has it worse than anyone ever: They're CAPITALIZING ON him.Jesus, because he fucked a hooker for free. Then he died and went to Hell and met Satan and was like, "Check this out, dude." He took a hit from the Holy Grail and baked out Hell, man!!! Then he blasted off into outerspace never to be seen again.The Saian Supa Crew: They're a French rap group. Check them out, it's totally worth it.Sublime: Eric, the basist, walked off the stage and blew right past us with a bunch of hot chicks. That's the coolest person ever to ignore me.My mom. I don't need to justify this to any of you motherfuckers!Dan Huff: see all of the above.

My Blog

Don't leave me hanging on the telephone

This is the new shit.  I'm gonna be in the states for about a month.  I wanna go up to Boston.  I'm definitely going to go up to Amsterdam for ten days.  I might not be able to han...
Posted by Eric on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:46:00 PST

Party Time!!! Excellent!!! wee ooo wee ooo

So I'm hanging out with some old teachers from Warren Hills, and I tell them that I was in a bunch of movies.  They're like, "Oh yeah?"  I'm like, "Well, I was always in the background, that...
Posted by Eric on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:27:00 PST

The Cat is Hungry

One day a cat meowed at my window.  I had a can of tuna one day and it tasted crappy (in fact just like cat food) so I left it outside my window.  Now he won't stop meowing at my window.&nbs...
Posted by Eric on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:25:00 PST

Vagina Dentata

Pussy with teeth.  We've all heard of it.  I can't find the exact name of the phobia, but it exists.  Anyway, if you look it up on the internet, you'd be amazed to find so much folklore...
Posted by Eric on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 02:32:00 PST

The Frankencock

I get about 100 views per blog.  I get about 1 comment per blog.  Something's not adding up here.  Anyway, I've been hanging out with Bobby Taylor, and I want to get a picture with him....
Posted by Eric on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:23:00 PST

The Media's Grand Canyon

A moment of silence, please.  I know a lot of people are sad about the legendary Kurt Vonnegut.  I suggest going to and looking up sad kermit.  Thanks go out to Ray, who in...
Posted by Eric on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:27:00 PST


I feel something big happening pretty soon, and I know it's going to take a lot of hard work and a lot less fucking around.  Wish me luck.
Posted by Eric on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:25:00 PST

Undoubtedly one of the best weekends ever

Dude!  I don't want to say anything over the internet, because I don't know who is reading this, but let me just tell you that this weekend I have fulfilled childhood dreams.  I also hung ou...
Posted by Eric on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:19:00 PST

It's a fart knock life for us...

What do you think about this? The Fourth Commandment in the Bible is about not working on Sabbath.  A little later on (same book, Exodus, part 31:15) it says, "Whoever does any work on the Sabbat...
Posted by Eric on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 03:21:00 PST

An Angel's Anatomy

Blogs are pretty cool thing.  Now your Herpes can be someone else's treasure.   There's a link you can press to see all the most popular blogs, and mine is never there.  It's a sha...
Posted by Eric on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:45:00 PST