So there's this guy who I love with my ENTIRE heart. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. We've had great memories together but we've had some bad times too. He's everything I've ever dreamed of, and I'm glad we met each other. He's amazing beyond all aspects of this world. Anyone call tell that I like him, just by how I look at him, or how I look after I've talked to him. He's my best freind. And I couldn't have asked for more.
The guy who could be a million miles away but still love you and only you with his entire heart. The person who loses his intrest to hurt you cause he thinks that it is a crime. The guy who would walk on the beach in the middle of the night or sneak you out just to say hi. The kind that come straight out of fairytales. The one who won't be afraid to take you somewhere even though he may detest it with everything, just to make you happy. The guy who doesn't think that the only thing important in a relationship is sex. The guy who laughs and can make you laugh in any second without even trying. The kind that can have a cazillion freinds but the second you need him can drop what he's doing to find out whats wrong. And the person who will take you out in the middle of the pourng rain just to show you what it's like to be spiderman. THE ONE THAT WILL FINALLY PROVE TO ME THAT ALL GUYS ARE NOT THE SAME