We are a group of young hearts born of the Wind and the Spirit that seek to interpret sounds birthed in enternity to be released in this generation for the pursuit of our destiny in God...This is what the Sovereign Lord says: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live." - Ezekiel 37:9 ...breath entered them; they stood up on their feet - a vast army..."
We are a multi-cultural, and intergenerational ministry that works to bring clarity to historical wounds and issues regarding the church, western culture and first Nations people, often serving as a bridge between the communities to bring understanding and restoration where needed or possible. We attempt to bring a non-traditional approach to ministry, ministering in song, word and deed, and leading by example. We believe that our lives are a letter meant to be read by all and we endeavor to live a Godly life of integrity and humility. We assist non-native people with a heart for native people and lead them into proper relationship with native cultures and communities. Each year we host a large multi-faceted conference in Fairbanks. We participate in a variety of capacities - the line between our professional and ministry roles often blurring. We do cultural sensitivity and other types of ministry training.